Recent Submissions

  • Risk assessment strategies for contaminants in seafood (RASCS) 

    Rahmani, Djamel; Reig, Lourdes; Gil, José Maria (2023-10-27)
    Research report
    Open Access
    Risk Assessment Strategies for Contaminants in Seafood (RASCS) is an EFSA Partnering Grant focusing on KEamong seven European Institutions. The project lasted from June 2021 to June 2023. The proposal was built to establish ...
  • Selecció de varietats tradicionals i comercials d'enciam d'hivern per a produccions ecològiques 

    Casals Missio, Joan; Rivera Pinzano, Ana; Camí, Borja (2016-01-01)
    Research report
    Open Access
    La selecció de varietats d’enciam aptes per al cicle d’hivern és important per assegurar un bon rendiment. Durant aquest cicle els dies tenen menys hores de llum, menys intensitat lumínica i les temperatures són baixes, ...
  • Pla director de l'horta a Catalunya 

    Gras Moreu, Anna Maria; Casals Missio, Joan (2020-12-01)
    Research report
    Open Access
    l Pla s’estructura en quatre eixos que contenen diferents accions relaciones amb el sistema productiu, la comercialització i promoció, l’ecosistema i el medi ambient i la formació i la recerca tecnològica. També, amb un ...
  • El potencial del biometano en una ciudad de referencia: Lleida 

    Flotats Ripoll, Xavier (2021-07-15)
    Research report
    Open Access
    El objetivo del estudio es analizar qué aportación podría representar la producción de biogás y biometano en una ciudad media, como Lleida, capital de la comarca del Segriá (Cataluña), a fin de detectar también los limitantes ...
  • Impacto del Green Deal desde un enfoque de sistema alimentario global sostenible 

    Colomer Xena, Yvonne; Flotats Ripoll, Xavier; Jarauta Bragulat, Eusebio; Gil Martín, Joan Carles; Pío Beltrán, José; Clotet, Ramon; Martin, Rosa María; Romagosa, Ignacio; Savé Montserrat, Robert (2021-12-20)
    Research report
    Open Access
    El Pacto Verde corre el riesgo de acabar siendo más un cambio de formas que de fondo del sector agroalimentario europeo, si solo se plantea un cambio de sistema productivo, sin que se lleven a cabo valoraciones respecto ...
  • Valorisation of food surpluses and side-flows and citizens' understanding 

    Rahmani, Djamel; Gil Roig, José María (2018-06-30)
    Research report
    Open Access
    This research investigated the consumer understanding and acceptance of different valorisation methods for food surplus and side-flows. Of particular interest was the extent to which consumers accept and even appreciate ...
  • INNOSETA - Research project results on SETA – First update 

    Gioelli, F.; Marucco, Paolo; Mozzanini, Eric; Balsari, Paolo; Gil Moya, Emilio (2020-05-13)
    Research report
    Open Access
    The final goal of task 1.2 is to gather relevant and innovative SETAs (Spraying, Equipment, Training and Advising) regarding research projects and national/international papers focusing on aspects related to PPP ...
  • INNOSETA - Training and advising SETA material. First update 

    Gil Moya, Emilio (2020-04-23)
    Research report
    Open Access
    This document presents a summary of all training SETAs collected in the second data screening until April 2020 by all the partners of the project. This work is included in the first work package (inventory of research ...
  • INNOSETA - Industry solutions SETA material – first update 

    Gioelli, F.; Marucco, Paolo; Mozzanini, Eric; Balsari, Paolo; Gil Moya, Emilio (2020-05-13)
    Research report
    Open Access
    The final goal of Task 1.3 is to gather relevant and innovative SETAs (Spraying, Equipment, Training and Advising) regarding industry solutions. This report illustrates the steps of the work, the screening criteria and ...
  • INNOSETA - Industry solutions SETA material – second update 

    Gioelli, F.; Marucco, Paolo; Mozzanini, Eric; Balsari, Paolo; Gil Moya, Emilio (2021-05-24)
    Research report
    Open Access
    The final goal of Task 1.3 was to gather innovative SETAs (Spraying, Equipment, Training and Advising) regarding industry solutions. This third report illustrates the steps of the work, methods, including screening ...
  • Millora de varietats tradicionals de tomàquet 

    Casals Missio, Joan; Campo, Sònia; Roig Villanova, Irma (2021-06-01)
    Research report
    Open Access
    Les varietats tradicionals de tomàquet constitueixen un recurs important per les explotacions hortícoles ecològiques, tant per la seva adaptació a condicions d’una agricultura de baixa intensitat, com per les seves ...
  • INNOSETA - Training and advising SETA material. Second update 

    Gil Moya, Emilio; Sánchez Sánchez, Elena (2021-05-31)
    Research report
    Open Access
    This document presents a summary of all training SETAs collected in the third data screening until May 2021 by all the partners of the project. This work is included in the first work package (inventory of research results ...

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