ALIMen - Grup de recerca en Enginyeria i Producció Alimentària
- Caracterització i millora dels processos de la industria alimentària: a/ Conservació d'aliments, pasteurització, esterilització i cocció en envàs, IV i V gama; b/ Crio concentració.
- Desenvolupament de nous productes.
- Qualitat Nutricional i Organolèptica.
- Transferència de tecnologia.
- Gestió de la industria alimentaria.
- Caracteritzación y mejora de los procesos de la industria alimentària: a/ Conservación de alimentos, pasteuritzación, esterilitzación y cocción en envase, IV i V gama; b/ Crío concentración.
- Desarrollo de nuevos productos.
- Calidad Nutricional y Organoléptica.
- Transferencia de tecnología.
- Gestión de la industria alimentaria.
- Improvement of process and characterization in food industry: a/ Food preservation, pasteurization, sterilization, sous vide, in-pack thermal processing; b/ Freeze concentration.
- News foods development.
- Nutritional and Organoleptic Quality.
- Transference oof technology in food industry.
- Food industry management.
- Improvement of process and characterization in food industry: a/ Food preservation, pasteurization, sterilization, sous vide, in-pack thermal processing; b/ Freeze concentration.
- News foods development.
- Nutritional and Organoleptic Quality.
- Transference oof technology in food industry.
- Food industry management.
Collections in this community
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Articles de revista [34]
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Recent Submissions
Eficiencia en el proceso de tratamiento de la fracción orgánica de los residuos municipales (FORM): estudio del caso Ecoparc 2 de Montcada i Reixach, Barcelona
Conference report
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Rheological behaviour, freezing curve, and density of coffee solutions at temperatures close to freezing
Open AccessThe physical properties of coffee solutions were determined for temperatures close to the freezing point. Rheological behaviour, freezing curve, density, and their relationship between coffee mass fraction and Brix degrees ... -
Behaviour of falling-film freeze concentration of coffee extract
(Elsevier, 2014-11-01)
Restricted access - publisher's policyThe behaviour of falling-film freeze concentration of coffee extract was studied through determining the solute inclusion in the ice produced in a single-plate freeze concentrator. The effect of the initial coffee mass ... -
Aloe vera as an alternative to traditional edible coatings used in freshcut fruits: A case of study with kiwifruit slices
Restricted access - publisher's policyIn this work, a comparative study between Aloe vera, chitosan (formulated with acetic (-AC) or citric acid (-C)) and sodium alginate edible coatings was conducted to evaluate the effects on the quality and shelf life of ... -
Effect of ultrasound on quality of fresh-cut potatoes during refrigerated storage
Restricted access - publisher's policyIn the industry of fresh-cut potatoes, controlling browning and delaying the loss of texture are important factors to obtain a high-quality product. The use of ultrasound can avoid these undesirable phenomena due to its ... -
Recovery of nutrients from organic fraction of municipal sólid waste (OFMSW) in the Ecoparc 2 of Montcada i Reixac, Barcelona: alternatives to the current process
Conference report
Open AccessRecovery of nutrients from the OFMSW is a relevant topic as evidenced by the European initiative \”End of Waste\”. Following this guideline, the Ecoparc 2 of Montcada i Reixac, belonging to the Metropolitan Area of ... -
Multi-plate freeze concentration: Recovery of solutes occluded in the ice and determination of thawing time
Restricted access - publisher's policyThe retention of solutes in the ice formed in a falling-film freeze concentrator (multi-plate freeze-concentrator) was analysed. Solutions of fructose, glucose and sucrose and a simulated juice with initial concentrations ... -
Calculation process for the recovery of solutes retained in the ice in a multi-plate freeze concentrator: Time and concentration
Restricted access - publisher's policyFractionated thawing was studied as a method to recover solutes incorporated in the ice obtained in a cryoconcentrator. Thawing times and solute concentration in the ice were determined at several thawing temperatures.; ... -
Eficiencia en el proceso de tratamiento de la fracción orgánica de los residuos municipales (FORM). Estudio del caso Ecoparc 2 de Montcada i Reixach, Barcelona
Open AccessLa fracción orgánica de los residuos municipales (FORM) comprende residuos procedentes de hogares particulares y residuos similares de otros establecimientos que los municipios recogen junto con la basura doméstica. Estos ... -
Filtración estabilizante en vinos blancos: una alternativa a la bentonita
(Centro de Publicaciones, Secretaría General Técnica, Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Medio Rural y Marino, 2013)
Conference report
Open AccessLa obra recoge los trabajos cientificos presentados a la 27ª reunión anual del grupo de trabajo de experimentación en viticultura y enología, que con el apoyo del Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente, ... -
Integración de las técnicas de crioconcentración en placa y bloque aplicadas a soluciones de sacarosa
Conference report
Open Access -
A process to concentrate coffee extract by the integration of falling film and block freeze-concentration
(Elsevier, 2014-05-01)
Restricted access - publisher's policy