
  • Multiplicative noise for masking numerical microdata with constraints 

    Oganian, Anna (Institut d'Estadística de Catalunya, 2011)
    Open Access
    Before releasing databases which contain sensitive information about individuals, statistical agencies have to apply Statistical Disclosure Limitation (SDL) methods to such data. The goal of these methods is to minimize ...
  • The Microdata Analysis System at the U.S. Census Bureau 

    Lucero, Jason; Freiman, Michael; Singh, Lisa; You, Jiashen; DePersio, Michael; Zayatz, Laura (Institut d'Estadística de Catalunya, 2011)
    Open Access
    The U.S. Census Bureau has the responsibility to release high quality data products while maintaining the confidentiality promised to all respondents under Title 13 of the U.S. Code. This paper describes a Microdata ...
  • Eliminating small cells from census counts tables: empirical vs. design transition probabilities 

    Giessing, Sarah; Höhne, Jörg (Institut d'Estadística de Catalunya, 2011)
    Open Access
    The software SAFE has been developed at the State Statistical Institute Berlin-Brandenburg and has been in regular use there for several years now. It involves an algorithm that yields a controlled cell frequency ...
  • Remote data access and the risk of disclosure from linear regression 

    Bleninger, P.; Drechsler, J.; Ronning, G. (Institut d'Estadística de Catalunya, 2011)
    Open Access
    In the endeavor of finding ways for easy data access for external researchers remote data access seems to be an attractive alternative to the current standard of data perturbation or restricted access only at designated ...
  • Coprivacy: an introduction to the theory and applications of co-operative privacy 

    Domingo-Ferrer, Josep (Institut d'Estadística de Catalunya, 2011)
    Open Access
    We introduce the novel concept of coprivacy or co-operative privacy to make privacy preservation attractive. A protocol is coprivate if the best option for a player to preserve her privacy is to help another player in ...
  • Semantic microaggregation for the anonymization of query logs using the open directory project 

    Erola, Arnau; Castellà-Roca, Jordi; Navarro-Arribas, Guillermo; Torra, Vicenç (Institut d'Estadística de Catalunya, 2011)
    Open Access
    Web search engines gather information from the queries performed by the user in the form of query logs. These logs are extremely useful for research, marketing, or profiling, but at the same time they are a great threat ...