SORT (ISSN 1696-2281, eISSN 2013-8830) és una publicació semestral d'àmbit internacional editada per l'Idescat a partir de l'any 2003. Publicada íntegrament en anglès (amb resums en català). SORT promou la publicació d'articles originals d'estadística aplicada i metodologia estadística, investigació operativa, estadística oficial i biometria, així com la recensió de llibres i altres publicacions en aquests àmbits. SORT representa la tercera sèrie de QÜESTIIÓ (ISSN 0210-8054, eISSN 2013-8849), publicada des del 1977 fins al 2002.

SORT (ISSN 1696-2281, eISSN 2013-8830) is an international journal launched in 2003 and published twice-yearly. It is edited by he Statistical Institute of Catalonia (Idescat) in English (with abstracts in catalan). SORT promotes the publication of original articles of a methodological or applied nature on statistics, operations research, official statistics and biometrics as well as book reviews. SORT represents the third series of the QÜESTIIÓ (ISSN 0210-8054, eISSN 2013-8849), published since 1977 until 2002.

Patrocinadors / Sponsors:

Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya

Universitat de Barcelona

Universitat Autonòma de Barcelona

Universitat de Girona

Regió Espanyola de la Societat Internacional de Biometria (col·laboració / co-operation)

Editor / Publisher:

Idescat (Institut d'Estadística de Catalunya). Via Laietana, 58 - 08003 Barcelona. SPAIN. Tel. +34−93.412.09.24 — Fax +34−93.412.31.45.

Cap d'edició / Editor in chief:

Montserrat Guillén (Universitat de Barcelona)

Editors executius / Executive editors:

Guadalupe Gómez (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya)

Esteve Codina (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya)

Pere Puig (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)

Enric Ripoll (Institut d'Estadística de Catalunya)

Albert Sorribas (Universitat de Lleida)

Consell editor / E ditorial Advisory Committee:

  • John Aitchison (University of Glasgow, Dept. of Statistics)

  • Jesús R. Artalejo (Universidad Complutense, Dpto. de Estadística e Investigación Operativa)

  • Manuel Artís (Universitat de Barcelona, Dept. d'Econometria, Estadística i Economia Espanyola)

  • Jaume Barceló (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Dept. d'Estadística i Investigació Operativa)

  • M Jesús Bayarri (Universitat de València, Dept. d'Estadística i Investigació Operativa)

  • Eduard Bonet (ESADE-Universitat Ramon Llull, Dept. de Mètodes Quantitatius)

  • Carles M. Cuadras (Universitat de Barcelona, Dept. d'Estadística (Past Editor in Chief 2003–2006)

  • Josep Domingo-Ferrer (Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Dept. d'Enginyeria Informàtica i Matemàtiques)

  • Laureano F. Escudero (Universidad Miguel Hernández, Centro de Investigación Operativa)

  • Francisco R. Fernández (Universidad de Sevilla, Dpto. de Estadística e Investigación Operativa)

  • Josep Fortiana (Universitat de Barcelona, Dept. d'Estadística)

  • Robert Garfinkel (University of Connecticut, Dept. of Operations and Information Management)

  • Ubaldo G. Palomares (Universidad Simón Bolívar, Dpto. de Procesos y Sistemas)

  • Montserrat Herrador (Instituto Nacional de Estadística)

  • Maria Jolis (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Dept. de Matemàtiques)

  • Pierre Joly (École Nationale de la Statistique et de l'Analyse de l'Information)

  • Wojtek J. Krzanowski (University of Exeter, Dept. of Statistics and Operational Research)

  • Stephen Lagakos (University of Harvard, Dept. of Biostatistics)

  • Ludovic Lebart (Centre Nationale de la Recherche Scientifique)

  • Manuel Martí (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Dept. d'Estadística i Investigació Operativa)

  • Heinz Neudecker (University of Amsterdam, Dept. of Econometrics)

  • Josep M. Oller (Universitat de Barcelona, Dept. d'Estadística)

  • Javier Prieto (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Dpto. de Estadística y Econometría)

  • C. Radhakrishna Rao (Penn State University, Center for Multivariate Analysis)

  • Albert Satorra (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Dept. d'Economia i Empresa)

  • Michael Stephens (Simon Fraser University, Dept. of Statistics & Actuarial Science)

  • Santiago Thió (Universitat de Girona, Dept. d'Informàtica i Matemàtica Aplicada)

  • Vladimir Zaiats (Universitat de Vic, Dept. d'Informàtica i Matemàtica)

Dipòsit Legal / Legal Deposit: B-46.085-1977

I.S.S.N.: 1696-2281

e-I.S.S.N.: 2013-8830

Web site:

e-ISSN: 2013-8830


(versió electrònica)

Recent Submissions

  • Inference on the symmetry point-based optimal cut-off point and associated sensitivity and specificity with application to SARS-CoV-2 antibody data 

    Franco-Pereira, Alba María; Pardo Llorente, M. Carmen; Nakas, Christos T.; Reiser, Benjamin (Institut d'Estadística de Catalunya, 2023-06-12)
    Open Access
    In the presence of a continuous response test/biomarker, it is often necessary to identify a cut-off point value to aid binary classification between diseased and non-diseased subjects. The symmetry-point approach which ...
  • Data wrangling, computational burden, automation, robustness and accuracy in ecological inference forecasting of R×C tables 

    Pavía, Jose M.; Romero, Rafael (Institut d'Estadística de Catalunya, 2023-06-12)
    Open Access
    This paper assesses the two current major alternatives for ecological inference, based on a multinomial-Dirichlet Bayesian model and on mathematical programming. Their performance is evaluated in a database made up of ...
  • Optimal threshold of data envelopment analysis in bankruptcy prediction 

    Staňková, Michaela; Hampel, David (Institut d'Estadística de Catalunya, 2023-06-12)
    Open Access
    Data envelopment analysis is not typically used for bankruptcy prediction. However, this paper shows that a correctly set up a model for this approach can be very useful in that context. A superefficiency model was applied ...
  • Data science, analytics and artificial intelligence in e-health: trends, applications and challenges 

    Castaneda, Juliana; Calvet, Laura; Benito, Sergio; Tondar, Abtin; Juan, Angel A. (Institut d'Estadística de Catalunya, 2023-06-09)
    Open Access
    More than ever, healthcare systems can use data, predictive models, and intelligent algorithms to optimize their operations and the service they provide. This paper reviews the existing literature regarding the use of data ...
  • Transport systems analysis: models and data 

    Barceló Bugeda, Jaime (Institut d'Estadística de Catalunya, 2023-06-12)
    Open Access
    Rapid advancements in new technologies, especially information and communication technologies (ICT), have significantly increased the number of sensors that capture data, namely those embedded in mobile devices. This wealth ...
  • Alternate-wrapped circular distributions 

    Joshi, Savitri; Rattihalli, R. N. (Institut d'Estadística de Catalunya, 2022-12-20)
    Open Access
    To generate a circular distribution, we use the alternate-wrapping technique (unlike the usual wrapping), by wrapping in the alternate directions, after each single-wrapping. The resulting distribution is called alternate-wrapped ...
  • Missing data analysis and imputation via latent Gaussian Markov random fields 

    Gómez-Rubio, Virgilio; Cameletti, Michela; Blangiardo, Marta (Institut d'Estadística de Catalunya, 2022-12-19)
    Open Access
    This paper recasts the problem of missing values in the covariates of a regression model as a latent Gaussian Markov random field (GMRF) model in a fully Bayesian framework. The proposed approach is based on the definition ...
  • Compositional combination and selection of forecasters 

    Martín Arroyo, Antonio; de Juan Fernández, Aránzazu (Institut d'Estadística de Catalunya, 2022-12-19)
    Open Access
    The Split-Then-Combine approach has previously been used to generate the weights of forecasts in a combination in the Euclidean space. This paper extends this approach to combine forecasts inside the simplex space, the ...
  • Granger causality and time series regression for modelling the migratory dynamics of influenza into Brazil 

    Foerster Grande, Aline; Pumi, Guilherme; Cybis, Gabriela Bettella (Institut d'Estadística de Catalunya, 2022-12-16)
    Open Access
    In this work we study the problem of modelling and forecasting the dynamics of the influenza virus in Brazil at a given month, from data on reported cases and genetic diversity collected from previous months, in other ...
  • Estimation of cut-off points under complex-sampling design data 

    Iparragirre, Amaia; Barrio, Irantzu; Aramendi, Jorge; Arostegui, Inmaculada (Institut d'Estadística de Catalunya, 2022-06-02)
    Open Access
    In the context of logistic regression models, a cut-off point is usually selected to dichotomize the estimated predicted probabilities based on the model. The techniques proposed to estimate optimal cut-off points in the ...
  • Penalized spline smoothing using Kaplan-Meier weights in semiparametric censored regression models 

    Orbe, Jesus; Virto, Jorge (Institut d'Estadística de Catalunya, 2022-06-02)
    Open Access
    In this article we consider an extension of the penalized splines approach in the context of censored semiparametric modelling using Kaplan-Meier weights to take into account the effect of censorship. We proposed an ...
  • Estimation of finite population distribution function with auxiliary information in a complex survey sampling 

    Abbas, Mohsin; Haq, Abdul (Institut d'Estadística de Catalunya, 2022-06-02)
    Open Access
    In this paper, we consider the problem of estimating the finite population cumulative distribution function (CDF) in a complex survey sampling, which includes two-stage and three-stage cluster sampling schemes with and ...

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