Now showing items 21-29 of 29

    • Multiplier ideals of plane curves 

      Dachs Cadefau, Ferran (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2012-10)
      Master thesis
      Restricted access - author's decision
      Multiplier ideals and their corresponding jumping numbers have been revealed as a fundamental tool to measure the singularity of plane curves. There are approaches to these objects from both Commutative Algebra and Algebraic ...
    • On the relative position of two coplanar ellipses 

      Elizalde Masia, Borja (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2014-10)
      Master thesis
      Restricted access - author's decision
      This work solves the problem of computing the relative position of two affine coplanar ellipses in terms of the coefficients that deffine their equations without solving the quartic equation for the intersection points. ...
    • Parallel Tracking and Mapping for Manipulation Applications with Golem Krang 

      Rodríguez Estévez, Daniel (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2019-07)
      Bachelor thesis
      Open Access
      Covenantee:   Georgia Institute of Technology
      Implementing a simultaneous localization and mapping system and an image semantic segmentation method on a mobile manipulation. The application of the SLAM is working towards navigating among obstacles in unknown environments. ...
    • Polar germs and singularity invariants 

      González Alonso, Víctor (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2009-07)
      Master thesis
      Open Access
      In this work we obtain an algorithm which explicitly recovers the cluster of singular points a germ of curve from the cluster of base points of the polar germs of the curve. To achieve this, we reinterpret the problem in ...
    • Probabilistic data-driven models for the pushing problem 

      Bauzà Villalonga, Maria (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2016-01)
      Bachelor thesis
      Open Access
      Pushing actions are common mechanisms present in most human and industry manipulations. Nevertheless, finding a precise description for the motion of pushed objects is still an open problem. In this work, we will develop ...
    • Robotic manipulation of cloth: mechanical modeling and perception 

      Coltraro, Franco (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2023-03-30)
      Doctoral thesis
      Open Access
      (Eng) In this work we study various mathematical problems arising from the robotic manipulation of cloth. First, we develop a locking-free continuous model for the physical simulation of inextensible textiles. We present ...
    • Sense llapis ni paper. Elaboració de material didàctic per a afavorir el càlcul mental a l’ESO 

      García Polo, Laura (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2014-06-25)
      Master thesis
      Open Access
      En la societat mundial del segle XXI l’ensenyament i l’aprenentatge dels algorismes tradicionals de càlcul de les operacions aritmètiques bàsiques ha deixat de ser útil. No existeix cap centre financer, comercial empresa, ...
    • Structural characterization of oscillatory behavior in the brain 

      Planas Casadevall, Robert (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2019-07-16)
      Bachelor thesis
      Open Access
      Covenantee:   University of California, San Diego
      Oscillations in the brain are one of the most pervasive and robust patterns found in the neural activity and they can be directly correlated with numerous cognitive phenomena. In this work, we study the structural network ...
    • Tactile localization: dealing with uncertainty from the first touch 

      Valls Grünewald, Eric (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2020-05-21)
      Bachelor thesis
      Open Access
      Covenantee:   Massachusetts Institute of Technology
      En aquesta tesi proposem un nou sistema per localitzar d'objectes amb sensors tàctils per a robòtica de manipulació, que tracta, de forma explícita, la incertesa inherent al sentit del tacte. Amb aquesta fi, estimem la ...