Browsing by Author "Pérez Pueyo, Rosanna"
Now showing items 1-15 of 15
Aplicaciones del láser al análisis y tratamiento de obras de arte
López-Gil Serra, Alejandro; Ruiz Moreno, Sergio; Gabaldón Borque, Amador José; Pérez Pueyo, Rosanna; Soneira Ferrando, M. José (Escola Tècnica Superior d'Enginyers de Telecomunicació de Barcelona, 2003)
Open Access -
Automatic classification system of Raman spectra applied to pigments analysis
González Vidal, Juan José; Pérez Pueyo, Rosanna; Soneira Ferrando, M. José (2016-12-01)
Open AccessRaman spectroscopy is one of the few non-destructive techniques capable of identifying pigments in art works. Raman spectra contain powerful information that can be used to identify unknown compounds and their chemical ... -
Automatic classification system of Raman spectra applied to pigments analysis
González-Vidal, Juan José; Pérez Pueyo, Rosanna; Soneira Ferrando, M. José; Ruiz Moreno, Sergio (Wroclaw University, 2015)
Conference report
Open Access -
Automatic identification of artistic pigments by Raman spectroscopy using fuzzy logic and principal component analysis
Castanys, M.; Soneira Ferrando, M. José; Pérez Pueyo, Rosanna (2006-10-27)
Open AccessThis work offers an automatic identification system of Raman spectra of artistic pigments. The proposed methodology is based on a fuzzy logic system, and uses principal component analysis to reduce redundancies in data and ... -
Automatic morphology-based cubic p-spline fitting methodology for smoothing and baseline-removal of Raman spectra
González-Vidal, Juan José; Pérez Pueyo, Rosanna; Soneira Ferrando, M. José (2017-01-01)
Open AccessNoise filtering is considered a crucial step for the proper interpretation of Raman spectra. In this work, we present a new denoising procedure which enhances the Raman information whilst reducing unwanted contributions ... -
Examen Final
Monte Moreno, Enrique; Pérez Pueyo, Rosanna; Soneira Ferrando, M. José; Villares Piera, Nemesio Javier (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2021-01-19)
Restricted access to the UPC academic community -
Examen final
Monte Moreno, Enrique; Pérez Pueyo, Rosanna; Vila Insa, Marc (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2024-01-09)
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Examen final
Cabrera-Bean, Margarita; Cocco, Giuseppe; Pérez Pueyo, Rosanna; Rocadenbosch Burillo, Francisco; Soneira Ferrando, M. José; Vallverdú Bayés, Sisco (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2024-01-16)
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Examen Final
Monte Moreno, Enrique; Pérez Pueyo, Rosanna; Soneira Ferrando, M. José; Villares Piera, Nemesio Javier (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2022-01-14)
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Identification of Raman spectra through a case-based reasoning system: application to artistic pigments
Castanys, M.; Pérez Pueyo, Rosanna; Soneira Ferrando, M. José; Colominas Golobardes, Manuel; Fornells, A. (2011-07)
Restricted access - publisher's policyThis paper presents a methodology conceived as a support system to identify unknown materials by means of the automatic recognition of their Raman spectra. Initially, the design and implementation of the system were framed ... -
Medida de parámetros de ruido de transistores HEMT a partir de medidas de ruido con fuente adapatada
Lázaro Guillén, Antoni; Pradell i Cara, Lluís; O'Callaghan Castellà, Juan Manuel; Pérez Pueyo, Rosanna; Soneira Ferrando, M. José (1998)
Conference report
Open Access -
Morphology-based automated baseline removal for raman spectra of artistic pigments
Pérez Pueyo, Rosanna; Soneira Ferrando, M. José; Ruiz Moreno, Sergio (2010-06)
Open AccessThe interpretation of a Raman spectrum is based on the identification of its characteristic molecular bands. However, the assignment of the vibrational modes is often compromised by the presence in the spectrum of an intense ... -
Practical identification of cobalt-based blue pigments detecting the induced photoluminescence by a He-Ne laser using a Raman spectrometer
Ruiz Moreno, Sergio; Soneira Ferrando, M. José; Pérez Pueyo, Rosanna (2024-02)
Open AccessSince the early 19th century, the pigment historically known as cobalt blue has been one of the most widely used in artistic painting. Its many and excellent properties led to the rapid development of different synthesis ... -
Procesado y Optimización de Espectros Raman mediante Técnicas de Lógica Difusa: Aplicación a la identificación de Materiales Pictóricos
Pérez Pueyo, Rosanna (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2005-01-21)
Doctoral thesis
Open AccessLa investigación de los materiales constitutivos de obras de arte, en la que se encuadra esta tesis, es una de las aplicaciones de la espectroscopía Raman que ha ido creciendo en importancia en las últimas décadas. El ... -
Raman laser fiber optic strategy for non-destructive pigment analysis
Ruiz Moreno, Sergio; Soneira Ferrando, M. José; Pérez Pueyo, Rosanna; Gabaldón Borque, Amador José; Sandalinas Linares, Maria Carmen (Office for official publications of the European communities, 2000)
Conference report
Restricted access - publisher's policyIn this work, the strategy, performances and applications of a Raman spectroscopy system with both optical fibre technology and two lasers (red and green) are presented. With this system, we have investigated certain yellow ...