Decentralized fault-tolerant control of inland navigation networks: a challenge
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Document typeConference report
Defense date2016
Rights accessOpen Access
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Inland waterways are large-scale networks used principally for navigation. Even if the transport planning is an important issue, the water resource management is a crucial point. Indeed, navigation is
not possible when there is too little or too much water inside the waterways. Hence, the water resource management of waterways has to be particularly efficient in a context of climate change and increase of water demand. This management has to be done by considering different time and space scales and still requires the development of new methodologies and tools in the topics of the Control and Informatics communities. This work addresses the problem of waterways management in terms of modeling, control, diagnosis and fault-tolerant control by focusing in the inland waterways of the north of France. A review of proposed tools and the ongoing research topics are provided in this paper.
CitationSegovia, P., Rajaoarisoa, L.H., Nejjari, F., Blesa, J., Puig, V., Duviella, E. Decentralized fault-tolerant control of inland navigation networks: a challenge. A: European Workshop on Advanced Control and Diagnosis. "ACD'16-13th European Workshop on Advanced Control and Diagnosis 17 - 18 November 2016, Lille, France". Lille: 2016.
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