TUAREG - Turbulence and Aerodynamics in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Research Group
L'activitat científica del grup està centrada en l'àmbit de les Enginyeries Mecànica i Aeroespacial amb l'objectiu d'estudiar el disseny i optimització d'equips i sistemes tèrmics i aerodinàmics, això com millorar la seva eficiència. Per a la realització d'aquests estudis, el grup utilitza tècniques de simulació numèrica avançada, incloent tècniques de supercomputació per a les quals el grup compta amb especialistes d'alt nivell, així com també fa servir tècniques experimentals.
Collections in this community
Articles de revista [87]
Llibres [12]
Recent Submissions
Large eddy simulations (LES) of a three-element high-lift wing: Exploring the active flow control (AFC) capabilities
(Elsevier, 2024-08-05)
Open AccessThis study presents an aerodynamic analysis of the 30P30N high-lift three-element wing under varying the angle of attack (a = 5¿, 9¿, and 23¿) at a constant Reynolds number (Rec = 750, 000) by means of large eddy simulations ... -
An experimental investigation of the thermal flame structure during side-wall quenching of a laminar premixed flame
(Elsevier, 2024-07-01)
Open AccessThe thermal flame structure (i.e., the temperature distribution in the preheat and reaction zones) is a core element that describes fundamental flame behavior and chemical reactions. This work utilizes a suite of laser ... -
Numerical investigation of different cooling technologies during heatwaves in Catalan Mediterranean buildings
(Institute of Physics (IOP), 2024)
Conference report
Open AccessThe Mediterranean area is particularly affected by heatwaves, which are extremely critical for health and productivity of people inside the dwellings as well as for energy consumptions related to cooling demand. This study ... -
Computational analysis of nasal airflow and its alteration by a nasal dilator
(Elsevier, 2024-08)
Restricted access - publisher's policyNasal airflow obstruction correlates with several ailments, such as higher patency, increased friction at the mucosal wall or the so-called Little's area, improper air conditioning, and snoring. Nasal dilators are frequently ... -
Modelling thermal dynamics in intermittent operation of a PEMEL for green hydrogen production
(Institute of Physics (IOP), 2024)
Conference report
Open AccessGreen hydrogen plays a pivotal role in the imminent energy transition, addressing energy storage and electricity generation decarbonization. The European Commission's hydrogen strategy underscores the goal to install at ... -
On the flow past a three-element wing: mean flow and turbulent statistics
(Springer, 2024-07-04)
Open AccessLarge eddy simulations (LES) on the flow past the 30P30N three-element high-lift wing at a moderate Reynolds number Rec = 750, 000 and three different angles of attack α = 5, 9 and 23° are conducted. The main focus is on ... -
The origin of Jupiter's Great Red Spot
Open AccessJupiter's Great Red Spot (GRS) is the largest and longest-lived known vortex of all solar system planets but its lifetime is debated and its formation mechanism remains hidden. G. D. Cassini discovered in 1665 the presence ... -
Numerical and experimental studies to evaluate the conservative factor of the convective heat transfer coefficient applied to the design of components in particle accelerators
Conference lecture
Restricted access - publisher's policyThe fluid boundary condition applied to the design of components in particle accelerators is calculated as a global variable through experimental correlations coming from the literature. This variable, defined as the ... -
Optical study of transcritical n-heptane injection under non-reacting and reacting environments
Conference lecture
Restricted access - publisher's policyA fundamental understanding of atomization, vaporization, and mixing under transcritical conditions still needs to be accomplished [1]. In this work, we perform optical measurements at high repetition rates (¿50000 fps) ... -
Experiencia de implementación de una metodología basada en docencia inversa y aprendizaje basado en problemas en una asignatura de enseñanza técnica.
(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2023)
Conference lecture
Open AccessEntre las metodologías de docencia activas que se aplican en la actualidad, la docencia inversa juega un papel crucial para desarrollar el nivel de compromiso y autonomía del alumnado en educación superior. En este estudio ... -
Effect of wall heat flux on flame temperature profiles during side-wall quenching using advanced diagnostics
Conference lecture
Restricted access - publisher's policyFlame-wall interaction (FWI) is a topic of increasing importance within combustion science. The fundamentals of FWI govern fuel efficiency, durability, and pollutant emissions in propulsion and power generation. Significant ... -
Revisiting N2-N2 collisional linewidth models for S-branch rotational Raman scattering
Restricted access - publisher's policyThis paper presents an evaluation of two commonly accepted Raman linewidth models typically used to fit CARS model parameters to data; the Modified Exponential Gap (MEG) and the Energy Corrected Sudden (ECS) models. The ...