Solving 'Still life' with soft constraints and bucket elimination
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Document typeResearch report
Defense date2003-04
Rights accessOpen Access
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In this paper we study the aplicability of bucket
elimination (BE) to the problem of finding stilllife
patterns. Very recently, it has been tackled using
integer programming and constraint programming,
both of them being search-based methods.
We show that BE, which is based on dynamic programming,
provides an exponentially lower worstcase
complexity than search methods. Then, we
empirically show that BE is quite competitive with
search-based approaches. Finally, we show how
BE can be adapted to exploit the problem symmetries,
with which in several cases we outperform
previous results.
CitationMorancho, E., Larrosa, J. "Solving 'Still life' with soft constraints and bucket elimination". 2003.
Is part ofLSI-03-14-R