A Survey on graph layout problems
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Document typeResearch report
Defense date2000-10
Rights accessOpen Access
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In this paper we survey results on several graph layout
problems from an algorithmic point of view. Graph layout problems are a particular class of combinatorial optimization problems whose goal is to find a linear layout of an input graph in such way that a certain objective cost is optimized. A
linear layout is a labeling of the nodes of a graph with
distinct integers.
A large amount of relevant problems in different areas can
be formulated as
graph layout problems. These include network optimization,
VLSI circuit
design, information retrieval, numerical analysis,
computational biology,
graph theory, scheduling, archaeology, etc. On the other
hand, the minimal
values of some layout costs are also related to interesting
graph theoretic
invariants of graphs. Most of the graph layout problems are
but, in many of their applications, feasible solutions with
an almost
optimal cost are sufficient and, thus, approximation
algorithms or effective heuristics can be used.
CitationDiaz, J., Petit, J., Serna, M. "A Survey on graph layout problems". 2000.
Is part ofLSI-00-61-R