An international conference on empowering female maritime workers brought together over 100 academics, union representatives, merchant navy and naval officers and representatives of international maritime organisations in Barcelona on the 23rd of May. The International Conference Proudly Empowering Women in Maritime was organised by the Department of Nautical Science and Engineering of the Technical University of Catalonia, with the collaboration of the Barcelona School of Nautical studies. It was supported by many organisations, including the ITF and the IMO, which is stepping up worldwide efforts to promote change for women in shipping business.

Recent Submissions

  • 2013 International Conference Proudly Empowering Women in Maritime 

    Castells Sanabra, Marcel·la; Martínez de Osés, Francesc Xavier; Delgado Ortega, Olga; García Llave, Ruth; Rodríguez-Martos Dauer, Ricardo; Romero Lares, Maria Carolina; Kitada, Momoko; Campa Portela, Rosa Mary de la; Estopá, Helena; Bouza, María Ángeles; Alcolea, Rosa María; Salama Benazar, Rosana; Peraza, Emma; Montes de Oca, Reynaldo; Martínez Marín, Jesús Ezequiel; Vázquez González, Marisol; Ibañez, Itsaso; Díaz, Esperanza; Fernández Martínez, Luis María (2013-05-23)
    Conference lecture
    Open Access