The complete book is available at:

Editors: Nia Alexandrov, María José García Miraz Graphic and cover design: Cristian Opi Muro, Laura Bermúdez Guerrero


  • Development of a wind energy climate service based on seasonal climate prediction 

    Torralba, Verónica; Jiménez, Isadora; Lledó, Llorenç; González-Reviriego, Nube; Soret, Albert; Doblas-Reyes, Francisco (2015-05-05)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    Climate predictions tailored to the wind energy sector represent an innovation to better understand the future variability of wind energy resources. In this work an illustration of the downstream impact of the forecasts ...
  • Assessment of meteorological models for air pollution transport: analysis between Mexico and Puebla metropolitan areas 

    González-Rocha, Sergio Natan; Mendoza-Lara, Osiel O.; Fuentes-Gea, Vicente; Baldasano Recio, José María (2015-05-05)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    This poster presents the results of research in the metropolitan areas in Mexico and Puebla valleys. The objective is assess and conduct a sensitivity analysis of meteorological conditions that could influence air pollutant ...
  • Dynamic load balancing for hybrid applications 

    Garcia Gasulla, Marta; Corbalán González, Julita; Labarta Mancho, Jesús José (2015-05-05)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    DLB relies on the usage of hybrid programming models and exploits the malleability of the second level of parallelism to redistribute computation power across processes.
  • Effects of detailed ventricular anatomy on the blood flow 

    Sacco, Federica; Paun, Bruno; Jowkar, Mohammad; Houzeaux, Guillaume; Vázquez, Mariano; Aguado-Sierra, Jazmin; Butakoff, Constantine (2015-05-05)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    The presented study is a preliminary test and analysis of the role of trabeculae and papillary muscles in the hemodynamics of the left ventricle (LV).
  • Probabilistic seismic risk assessment using CRISIS2015 & USERISK2015. Application to buildings of Barcelona, Spain. 

    Aguilar, Armando; Puente, Josep de la; Pujades Beneit, Lluís; Barbat Barbat, Horia Alejandro; Ordaz, Mario; Lantada, Nieves; Campos, Amelia; González, Sergio N.; García, Alejandro; Córdova, Alejandro (2015-05-05)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    The probabilistic models to assess seismic hazard and seismic risk incorporated into the codes CRISIS2015 & USERISK2015, respectively, are applied to compute the seismic risk of buildings of Barcelona. The main procedures ...
  • DimLightSim: optical/electrical network simulator for HPC applications 

    Meyer, Hugo; Sancho, José Carlos (2015-05-05)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    Optical Packet Switches (OPS) and Optical Circuit Switches (OCS) provide the needed low latency transmissions in today large data centers and HPC systems. These switches can deliver lower latency and higher bandwidth than ...
  • Comparing electoral campaigns by analysing online data 

    Espinosa-Oviedo, Javier; Vargas-Solar, Genoveva; Alexandrov, Vassil; Castel, Géraldine (2015-05-05)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    The use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the political sphere is nowadays a key aspect for running electoral campaigns. Thus, our work addresses the influence of ICT and candidate practices during ...
  • Integrated approach to assignment, scheduling and routing problems 

    Hervert-Escobar, Laura; López-Ramos, Francisco; Esquivel-Flores, Oscar A. (2015-05-05)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    This research considers a real life case study that determines the minimum number of sellers required to attend a set of customers located in a certain region taking into account the weekly schedule plan of the visits, as ...
  • Innovative algorithm for particles transport in a fluid 

    Olivares, Edgar; Houzeaux, Guillaume (2015-05-05)
    Open Access
    Particles transport in a fluid simulations have plenty of applications in the medicine or different fields of the engineering; from drug delivery simulation in the respiratory system to the friction of a car’s break with ...
  • Validating the reliability of WCET estimates with MBPTA 

    Milutinovic, Suzana; Abella Ferrer, Jaume; Cazorla Almeida, Francisco Javier (2015-05-05)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    Estimating the worst-case execution time (WCET) of tasks in a system is an important step in timing verification of critical real-time embedded systems. Measurement-Based Probabilistic Timing Analysis (MBPTA) is a novel ...
  • Efficient and versatile data analytics for deep networks 

    Garcia Gasulla, Dario; Moreno Vázquez, Jonatan; Espinosa-Oviedo, Javier A.; Conejero, Javier; Vargas-Solar, Genoveva; Badia Sala, Rosa Maria; Cortés García, Claudio Ulises; Suzumura, Toyotaro (2015-05-05)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    Deep networks (DN) perform cognitive tasks related with image and text at human-level. To extract and exploit the knowledge coded within these networks we propose a framework which combines state-of-the-art technology in ...
  • Numbering along advection for Gauss-Seidel and bidiagonal preconditioners 

    Córdoba, Paula; Houzeaux, Guillaume (2015-05-05)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    Domain decomposition methods (DDM) are often chosen to precondition sparse linear systems of equations, as they are famous to well-improve the convergence of iterative solvers. But at the same time, they are difficult to ...
  • Exploring the protonation properties of photosynthetic phycobiliprotein pigments from molecular modeling and spectral line shapes 

    Corbella, M.; Toa, Z. S. D.; Scholes, G. D.; Luque, F. J.; Curutche, C. (2015-05-05)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    In photosynthesis, specialized light harvesting pigment- protein complexes (PPCs) are used to capture incident sunlight and funnel its energy to the reaction center. In Cryptophyte algae these complexes are suspended in ...
  • Clustering the Roman Empire: the use of multivariable analysis to understand cultural dynamics 

    Coto-Sarmiento, Maria; Rubio-Campillo, Xavier; Remesal, José (2015-05-05)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    The aim of this study is to analyze the effects of rates of change of the olive oil amphorae to explore the production dynamics in the Roman Empire. In this case Cultural Evolution theory will be applied to the material ...
  • Assessing drug-protein binding by simulation of stereoselective energy transfer dynamics: electronic interactions between tryptophan and flurbiprofen 

    Pinheiro, Silvana; Curutchet, Carles (2015-05-05)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    Protein fluorescence decays are difficult to interpret and often involving several energy transfer processes among Trp residues or Trp-ligands. In this study, we simulate EET rates by computing MD-averaged electronic ...
  • Extrapolations of the fusion performance in JET 

    Gallart, Daniel; Mantsinen, M.J.; Garzotti, L.; Challis, C.; Garcia, J.; Gutiérrez, A.; Sáez, X. (2015-05-05)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    n preparation of the forthcoming high power campaign with the reactor-relevant deuterium-tritium (DT) fuel mixture in the Joint European Torus (JET), significant efforts are being devoted to DT scenario extrapolation using ...
  • Regional Arctic sea ice predictability and prediction on seasonal to interannual timescales 

    Cruz García, Rubén; Guemas, Virginie; Chevallier, Matthieu (2015-05-05)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    The fast depletion of the Arctic sea ice extent observed during the last three decades has awakened concerns about the consequences of such changes at hemispheric scales, and opened socio-economic opportunities such as ...
  • Genomic instability promoted by expression of human transposase-derived gene 

    Rodríguez-Fos, Elias; González, Santi; Puiggros, Montserrat; Henssen, Anton G.; Kentsis, Alex; Torrents, David (2015-05-05)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    DNA Transposases are enzymes that recognize and catalyze the movement of mobile elements in the human genome known as transposons. There are abundant transposase-derived genes in the human genome that have been conserved ...
  • Docking through democracy re-ranking protein-protein decoys with a voting system 

    Barradas-Bautista, Didier; Moal, Iain H.; Fernández-Recio, Juan (2015-05-05)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    We have develop a machine learning framework to enhance protein-protein docking results, using Schulze voting method applied to several models from Support Vector machines.
  • Block-based execution on an integrated vector-scalar in-order core 

    Stanic, Milan; Palomar Pérez, Óscar (2015-05-05)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    In the low-end processor mobile market, power, energy and area budgets are significantly lower than in the server/desktop/lap-top/high-end mobile markets. It has been shown that vector processors are a highly energy-efficient ...
  • Photoprotection and triplet energy transfer in higher plants: the role of electronic and nuclear fluctuations 

    Cupellini, Lorenzo; Jurinovich, Sandro; Prandi, Ingrid G.; Caprasecca, Stefano; Mennucci, Benedetta (2015-05-05)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    The quenching of Chlorophyll triplets by triplet energy transfer (TET) to carotenoids is one of the photoprotection strategies in photosynthetic organisms, and prevents singlet oxygen formation. Here we present the study ...
  • Modelling the co-evolution of trade and culture 

    Carrignon, Simon; Montanier, Jean-Marc; Rubio-Campillo, Xavier (2015-05-05)
    Open Access
    We presents a new framework to study the co-evolution of cultural change and trade. The design aims for a trade-off between the flexibility necessary for the implementation of multiple models and the structure necessary ...
  • Simulating gravitational collapse with arbitrary-precision arithmetic 

    Santos-Oliván, Daniel; Sopuerta, Carlos F. (2015-05-05)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    The collapse of smooth initial conditions into Black Holes is an important phenomenon to unlock fundamental aspects of the gravitational theory. In this paper we go closer to the formation of the apparent horizon using ...
  • Crowd simulation and visualization 

    Perez, Hugo; Rudomin, Isaac; Ayguadé Parra, Eduard; Hernandez, Benjamin; Espinosa-Oviedo, Javier A.; Vargas-Solar, Genoveva (2015-05-05)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    This paper presents a methodology to simulate and visualize crowds. Our goal is to represent the most realistic possible scenarios in a city. Due to the high demand of resources a GPU Cluster is used. We use real data from ...
  • Reproducing crowd turbulence with Verlet integration and agent modeling 

    Gutierrez-Milla, Albert; Suppi, Remo (2015-05-05)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    High density crowds are risk situations that already had turned some events into disasters. There are particular emerging events in these crowds that had led to dangerous situations. One important phenomenon is named “crowd ...
  • Generation of a simulation scenario from medical data: Carto and MRI 

    López-Yunta, Marina; Roca, Xevi; Aguado-Sierra, Jazmin; Vázquez, Mariano (2015-05-05)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    Multiphysic cardiac models give accurate simulations of normal and pathologic behavior of the heart. It can help to develop new treatments and medical devices. The complexity relies on both mathematical and geometrical ...
  • How can we improve energy efficiency through user-directed vectorization and task-based parallelization? 

    Caminal, Helena; Caballero, Diego; Cebrián, Juan M.; Ferrer, Roger; Casas, Marc; Moretó Planas, Miquel; Martorell Bofill, Xavier; Valero Cortés, Mateo (2015-05-05)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    Heterogeneity, parallelization and vectorization are key techniques to improve the performance and energy efficiency of modern computing systems. However, programming and maintaining code for these architectures poses a ...
  • Using graph partitioning to accelerate task-based parallel applications 

    Sánchez Barrera, Isaac; Casas, Marc; Moretó Planas, Miquel; Ayguadé Parra, Eduard; Labarta Mancho, Jesús José; Valero Cortés, Mateo (2015-05-05)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    Current high performance computing architectures are composed of large shared memory NUMA nodes, among other components. Such nodes are becoming increasingly complex as they have several NUMA domains with different access ...
  • Improving scalability of task-based programs 

    Brumar, Iulian; Casas, Marc; Moretó Planas, Miquel (2015-05-05)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    In a multi-core era, parallel programming allows further performance improvements, but with an important programmability cost. We envision that the best approach to parallel programming that can exceed the programability, ...
  • Conserved differences in protein sequence determine the human pathogenicity of Ebolaviruses 

    Pappalardo, Morena; Juliá, Miguel; Howard, Mark J.; Rossman, Jeremy S.; Michaelis, Martin; Wass, Mark N. (2015-05-05)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    This work describes the analysis of 196 Ebolavirus genomes and the identification of specificity determining positions (SDPs) in all nine Ebolavirus proteins that distinguish the non human pathogenic Reston viruses from ...
  • Enrichment of virtual screening results using induced-fit techniques 

    Iglesias, Jelisa; Sae-oon, Suwipa; Hernandez, Gabriela; Estrada, Jorge; Gavaldà Mestre, Ricard; Guallar, Victor (2015-05-05)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    This project aims to improve the results of virtual screening and docking techniques used for drug design, using induced-fit techniques and a consensus scoring approach.
  • On the way to real time protein-ligand sampling 

    Lecina-Casas, Daniel; Takahashi, Ryoji; Guallar, Victor (2015-05-05)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    Protein-ligand binding free energy is one of the keystones of drug design, and developing a fast method to calculate it would have great impact in personalized medicine. However, it is a daunting task for computational ...
  • PMut2: a web-based tool for predicting pathological mutations on proteins 

    López-Ferrando, Victor; Cruz, Xavier de la; Orozco, Modesto; Gelpí, Josep Lluís (2015-05-05)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    Amino acid substitutions in proteins can result in an altered phenotype which might lead to a disease. PMut2 is a method that can predict whether a mutation has a pathological effect on the protein function. It uses current ...
  • Per-task energy metering and accounting in the multicore era 

    Liu, Qixiao; Moretó Planas, Miquel; Abell, Jaume; Cazorla Almeida, Francisco Javier; Valero Cortés, Mateo (2015-05-05)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    Energy has become arguably the most expensive resource in a computing system. As multi-core processors are the preferred processing platform across different computing domains, measuring the energy usage draws vast attention. ...
  • Task dependences management hardware acceleration for task-based dataflow programming models 

    Tan, Xubin; Álvarez Martínez, Carlos; Jiménez González, Daniel; Ayguadé Parra, Eduard; Valero Cortés, Mateo (2015-05-05)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    Task-based programming models have gained a lot of attention for being able to explore high parallelism over multicore and manycore, while hiding the difficulties of parallel programming. For applications with moderate ...
  • The OmpSs reductions model and how to deal with scatter-updates 

    Ciesko, Jan; Mateo Bellido, Sergi; Teruel, Xavier; Beltran Querol, Vicenç; Martorell Bofill, Xavier; Badia Sala, Rosa Maria; Labarta Mancho, Jesús José (2015-05-05)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    Scatter-updates represent a reoccurring algorithmic pattern in many scientific applications. Their scalable execution on modern systems is difficult due to performance limitations introduced by their irregular memory access ...
  • Runtime estimation of performance–power in CMPs under QoS constraints 

    Nishtala, Rajiv; Martorell Bofill, Xavier; Carpenter, Paul Matthew (2015-05-05)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    One of the main challenges in data center systems is operating under certain Quality of Service (QoS) while minimizing power consumption. Increasingly, data centers are exploring and adopting heterogeneous server architectures ...
  • Conformational landscape of small ligands: a multilevel strategy to determine the conformational penalty of bioactive ligands 

    Viayna, Antonio; Juárez-Jiménez, Jordi; Barril, Xavier; Luque, F. Javier (2015-05-05)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    Determining the conformational penalty required for adopting the bioactive conformation is still a challenging question in drug design, because a small uncertainty in this free energy component can lead to significant ...
  • Characteritzation of protein-protein interfaces and identification of transient cavities for its modulation 

    Rosell, Mireia; Fernandez-Recio, Juan (2015-05-05)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    Protein-protein interactions (PPIs) play an essential role in many biological processes, including disease conditions. Strategies to modulate PPIs with small molecules have therefore attracted increasing interest over the ...
  • Improvement of protein-ligand binding affinity prediction using machine learning techniques 

    Hernandez, Gabriela; Iglesias, Jelisa; Saen-oon, Suwipa (2015-05-05)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    Predicting protein-ligand binding affinities constitutes a key computational method in the early stages of the drug discovery process. Molecular docking programs attempt to predict them by using mathematical approximations, ...
  • Towards accurate solvation free energies of large biological systems 

    Romero, S.; Luque, F. J.; Barril, X.; Lipparini, F.; Mennucci, B.; Curutchet, C. (2015-05-05)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    Continuum solvation models like PCM or COSMO are the standard tool to calculate solvation free energies in a quantum level, but have been typically limited to small biological molecules due to its large computational cost. ...