Simulations of combined ICRF and NBI heating for high fusion performance in JET
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Data publicació2016-07-08
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We report on simulations aimed at optimizing external heating using neutral beam injection (NBI) and radiofrequency waves in the ion cyclotron range of frequencies (ICRF) for high fusion yield in the JET tokamak. In this paper, D and DT plasmas are analyzed taking into account the NBI+RF synergy focusing on two different minority ICRF schemes,
He and H, respectively. Our results show that by increasing external heating power to the maximum power available, the fusion neutron rate can be enhanced in D plasma by a factor of 2-3 with respect to our reference record D discharge. Regarding the DT plasma we present the external heating performance under the variation of key plasma parameters. We also study the impact of the effects of ICRH to the fusion yield and show that the ICRH power results in an enhanced fusion yield in the whole parameter space studied.
CitacióGallart, Daniel [et al.]. Simulations of combined ICRF and NBI heating for high fusion performance in JET. A: 43rd European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics in Leuven, Belgium, 4th-8th July 2016. "". 2016.
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