Agglomeration noise strategic maps in Catalonia
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Document typeConference report
Defense date2010
Rights accessOpen Access
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The Directive 2002/49 on evaluation and management of the environmental noise demands
in case of agglomerations, a series of information that one must communicate to the
Commission, between which there is the number of people whose housings are exposed to
every range of values of Lden and Lnight in dBA. In this work they present the criteria
contemplated in the delimiting of the agglomerations inside Catalonia's territory, as well as
the methodologies used in the estimation of the audible levels and the population exposed to
the different indicators of noise with the results obtained.
CitationJimenez, S. [et al.]. Agglomeration noise strategic maps in Catalonia. A: International Congress on Noise Control Engineering. "39th International Congress on Noise Control Engineering". Lisboa: 2010, p. 1-10.