Plan de mejora de la periferia de Terrassa: el caso del conjunto monumental de las iglesias de Sant Pere y su integración en el núcleo urbano
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Document typeConference lecture
Defense date2015
PublisherAltralinea edizioni
Rights accessRestricted access - publisher's policy
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Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Spain
Terrassa is nowadays a post-industria/ cíty ín the períphery of Barcelona. Since
2004 it has become the see of the new created bishop of Terrossa. lt existed once
Jrom Vth to Vlllth but Jater disappeared and its see was held in Sant Pere1s monumental
ensemble. Nowadays Ws not because it was considered to be far away
from the city centre. This ensemble began a decadent process because it /ost ali
political and geogrophical importance.
At the end of the XXth century política/ powers got aware of the importance of
thís spatial conjunct far the city. A cause of this it began a study process that
it finished with a Master Plan of the conjunct. This Master Plan aimed to bring
neor the heart of the city a conjunct that it had remained in the periphery. lt had
o difficult access and connections with the rest of the city. The Master Plan a/so
looked to put in value this conjunct and preserving it far the future including the
possibility of other uses rother the líturgical one.
This Master Plan was begun at the end of the XXth century and it progrommed
different steps in arder to get ali its goals. lt has succeeded in sorne of its goals
but not in ali of them. A/so it remains a long way to go furth er in arder of becom-
1ng o culturo/ centre connected wíth the city centre and improving life of the rest
of the distríct.
CitationGomez, R., Peig Ginabreda, C. Plan de mejora de la periferia de Terrassa: el caso del conjunto monumental de las iglesias de Sant Pere y su integración en el núcleo urbano. A: Convegno internazionale Architettura e Città. "Convegno internazionale Architettura e Città 2015 : problemi di conservazione e valorizzazione : La Spezia 27 -28, 2015". La Spezia: Altralinea edizioni, 2015, p. 133-141.
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