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dc.contributorRosso, Maurizio
dc.contributor.authorLema Collaguazo, Jonathan
dc.description.abstractThe Archimedean screw is one of the oldest hydraulic machines. Today , this machine has had a rediscovering operating like a generator. This new kind of technology has a lot of advantages because the cost compared with a normal turbine , it’ s so much cheaper. Nowadays the con cept of engineering is changing in the entire world . Th e idea of an Archimedean screw is a concept of producing clean , efficient and friendly with the environment energy. This thesis it’s going to analysis why i s better choosing the Archimedean screw in heads until 10 meters. M oreover, there is also a guide in order to calculate the best design of the Archimedean screw. There is also the sustainable study in which shows the advantage of using removable energies and the necessity of growing that kind of eco - technologies Keywords: Archimedean screw, renewable energy sources, Hydraulic screw, optimal design.
dc.subjectÀrees temàtiques de la UPC::Enginyeria mecànica::Mecànica de fluids::Màquines hidràuliques i de fluids
dc.subject.lcshArchimedean screw
dc.subject.lcshHydraulic turbines
dc.subject.lcshRenewable energy sources
dc.titleStudy of an Archimedean screw in a small hydro site
dc.typeMaster thesis (pre-Bologna period)
dc.subject.lemacCargol d'Arquímides
dc.subject.lemacTurbines hidràuliques
dc.subject.lemacEnergies renovables
dc.rights.accessRestricted access - author's decision
dc.audience.educationlevelEstudis de primer/segon cicle
dc.audience.mediatorEscola Politècnica Superior d'Enginyeria de Vilanova i la Geltrú
dc.audience.degreeGRAU EN ENGINYERIA MECÀNICA (Pla 2009)
dc.contributor.covenanteePolitecnico di Torino

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