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  • Regular rotating black holes 

    Torres Herrera, Ramon (Springer, 2023-07-03)
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    The collapse of astrophysically significant bodies generates, under suitable conditions, black holes. Since one expects the generator of the black hole to be a rotating body, the black hole will also rotate. The existence ...
  • Ionospheric scintillation models: An inter-comparison study using GNSS data 

    Camps Carmona, Adriano José; Molina Ordóñez, Carlos; González Casado, Guillermo; Juan Zornoza, José Miguel; Lemorton, Joël; Fabbro, Vincent; Mainvis, Aymeric; Barbosa, José; Orús Pérez, Raul (IntechOpen, 2023-06-21)
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    Existing climatological ionosphere models, for example, GISM, SCIONAV, WBMOD, and STIPEE, have known limitations that prevent their wide use. In the framework of ESA study “Radio Climatology Models of the Ionosphere: Status ...
  • On the convenience of the use of seasonal and monthly climatic indices in correlation studies 

    Casas Castillo, M. del Carmen; Rodríguez Solá, Raúl; Kirchner Amor, Ricard; Alarcón Jordán, Marta; Periago Oliver, M. Cristina; Belmonte Soler, Jordina (Associação Portuguesa de Meteorologia e Geofísica, 2023)
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    Moderately extreme rainfall is usually characterized by a set of standardized indicators, the ETCCDI precipitation indices, useful to compare climate changes on a global scale. These indices quantify information to reflect ...
  • Complex excitable media: activators design, while inhibitors embellish 

    Alonso Muñoz, Sergio (2022-10-05)
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    A system composed by coupled reaction–diffusion equations is one of the most classical scenarios of pattern formation. There are also other mechanisms of pattern formation, however, all have in common the interplay between ...
  • Dades i comunicació en temps de pandèmia 

    López Codina, Daniel; Prats Soler, Clara (Institut d'Estudis Catalans (IEC), 2021)
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  • Probing black-hole accretion through time variability 

    Marco, Barbara de; Motta, Sara Elisa; Belloni, Tomaso M. (Springer, 2023-11-01)
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    Flux variability is a remarkable property of black hole (BH) accreting systems and a powerful tool to investigate the multi-scale structure of the accretion flow. The X-ray band is where some of the most rapid variations ...
  • Soluciones basadas en la naturaleza para la inclusión ciudadana y la renaturalización de las ciudades. Proyecto Verd de Proximitat BCN 

    Berigüete Alcántara, Fanny Esther; Alva, Aleix; Lacasta Palacio, Ana María; Bosch González, Montserrat; Rodríguez Cantalapiedra, Inma; Pérez, Gabriel (Fundación Conama, 2022-12-13)
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    El acelerado crecimiento demográfico de las ciudades y el uso descontrolado de recursos han supuesto grandes retos en la planificación de las ciudades. Según el Banco Mundial, más del 54% de la población a nivel global ...
  • Comparative study between the effects of autumn and winter rainfall on aerobiological variables in the NE of the Iberian Peninsula 

    Kirchner Amor, Ricard; Casas Castillo, M. del Carmen; Rodríguez Solá, Raúl; Alarcón Jordán, Marta; Periago Oliver, M. Cristina; De Linares, Concepción; Belmonte, Jordina (Springer, 2023-01-02)
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    The correlation analysis between precipitation indices and aerobiological variables could lead to different results if seasonal rainfall is considered. The number of significant correlations, as well as the ratio of ...
  • 8.18 - Rhythmic Coastal Landforms 

    Giovanni, Coco; Calvete Manrique, Daniel; Bryan, K.R.; Murray, A.B. (Elsevier, 2022)
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    Coastal landforms can sometimes result in unique and visually mesmerizing spatially-organized patterns. Different spatial patterns develop over scales ranging from centimeters to tens of kilometers, and are observed at the ...
  • Equitable mitigation to achieve the 1.5º C goal in Latin America countries 

    Ramírez Padilla, Cindy Araceli; Turon Florenza, Albert; Alcaraz Sendra, Olga; Sureda Carbonell, Bàrbara (OmniaScience, 2022-02-02)
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    L’impacte del canvi climàtic a la regió llatinoamericana s’ha fet evident, afectant els recursos naturals i retardant el desenvolupament sostenible. Per als països d’aquesta regió, assolir l’objectiu de temperatura a llarg ...
  • Unconfined compressive strength of sand-fines mixtures treated with chemical grouts 

    Spagnoli, Giovanni; Seidl, W.; Romero Morales, Enrique Edgar; Arroyo Alvarez de Toledo, Marcos; Gómez Bonilla, Rodrigo Andrés; López López, José (CRC Press, 2021)
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    Ground improvement by grouting is one of the methods applicable to solve problems connected to foundations, open cut excavations and tunnelling. The improvement of soils is in terms of reduced permeability and increased ...
  • La ullera de passos de la RACAB i l'hora oficial a Barcelona 

    Marzoa Domínguez, Antonio; Vallmitjana Rico, Santiago; Núñez de Murga, Jorge (Institut d'Estudis Catalans (IEC), 2018-11-01)
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    Dins del continu desenvolupament cultural, social i econòmic de Barcelona durant el segle XIX es va fer patent la necessitat d’establir una hora comú i oficial per a les diferents barriades, ja que es regien per rellotges ...

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