Reports de recerca
Recent Submissions
Decomposition of the airline profit cycles: how do different business models and strategies impact the profit cycle of airlines?
Research report
Open AccessThe goal of the paper is to observe the profit behaviour of the individual airlines and determine how each of them contributes to the total airline profit cycles. In addition, the paper aims to identify the potential causes ... -
NOSTROMO: Lessons learned, conclusions and way forward
Research report
Open AccessThis White Paper sets out to explain the value that metamodelling can bring to air traffic management (ATM) research. It will define metamodelling and explore what it can, and cannot, do. The reader is assumed to have basic ... -
Anàlisi de l’excés de mortalitat de l’1 de juny al 31 d’agost de 2022 a Catalunya
Research report
Open AccessAquest informe és fruit d’un treball col·laboratiu entre la Direcció General de Planificació i Recerca en Salut i la Secretaria de Salut Pública del Departament de Salut, l’Àrea de Sistemes d’Informació del Servei Català ... -
Resum executiu - Assistència Tècnica per a la Determinació del Pressupost Català de Carboni
Research report
Open Access -
Assistència tècnica per a la determinació del pressupost català de carboni amb criteris de justícia climàtica
Research report
Open AccessActualment, el canvi climàtic suposa una clara amenaça per al conjunt de la humanitat. Al si de la Convenció Marc del Canvi Climàtic (UNFCCC), molts països alcen la veu exigint que l'acció climàtica es dugui a terme sobre ... -
Equity in the mitigation component of the Paris agreement
Research report
Open Access -
Policy Brief: The Brazilian NDC in the light equity
Research report
Open Access -
Fairness, including equity, and ambition in the mitigation component of the Paris Agreement
Research report
Open AccessSubmission of the Group of Governance on Climate Change of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya to the call for inputs from Parties and observer States, UN Agencies and other international organizations and non-Party ... -
Fair carbon budget for the European Union
Research report
Open AccessAs an observer organization to the UNFCCC, the Group of Governance on Climate Change (GGCC) of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) presents the following submission to answer how much the European Union should ... -
State-of-art products for real time scintillation monitoring and consolidated requirements for the activity
Research report
Restricted access - confidentiality agreement -
CREATE - D5.2: Procedures validation identifying potential benefits and risks and stakeholders implementation suggestions - Exercise Results
Research report
Open AccessThis report is the deliverable “D5.2 - Procedures validation identifying potential benefits and risks and stakeholders implementation suggestions” of the H2020 SESAR CREATE project. The purpose of this document is to provide ... -
The 2021 volcanic eruption in La Palma Island and its impact on ionospheric scintillation as measured from GNSS reference stations, GNSS-R, and GNSS-RO
Research report
Open AccessIonospheric disturbances induced by seismic activity have been studied in the last years by many authors, showing an impact both before and after the occurrence of earthquakes. In this study, the ionospheric scintillation ...