NECADA. Optimization software for sustainable architecture
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Document typeConference report
Defense date2015
Rights accessOpen Access
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In this work, we present a hybrid infrastructure, named NECADA, which supports the execution of a detailed simulation model representing all building processes on a supercomputer, cloud, cluster of computers or desktop environments. The aim of this infrast ructure is to find optimal values for various building parameters and the associated impacts to reduce the energy demand or consumption of the building or the residential area . The infrastructure combines both, formal languages and co - simulation in order to obtain a complete unambiguous definition of the model, using the best tools to simulate any model component.
CitationFonseca, P., Fonseca, A. NECADA. Optimization software for sustainable architecture. A: International Building Performance Simulation Association. "IBPSA 2015 Procediings". Hyderabad: 2015, p. 1-8.