POLTEPO - Polímers Termoestables Epoxídics
L’activitat del grup es centra fonamentalment en el camp de les resines epoxi amb propietats millorades. Les millores pretenen incidir en certs problemes que presenten aquests materials com per exemple la seva baixa degradabilitat que impossibilita la recuperació dels substrats en els recobriments, la contracció i les tensions generades durant el curat i l’elevada fragilitat dels materials un cop reticulats. Actualment el grup està treballant en la preparació i caracterització de nous termoestables obtinguts a partir de mescles de resines epoxídiques, amb i sense càrregues inorgàniques i polímers dendrítics, comercials o sintetitzats per nosaltres, amb diferents estructures, dissenyades per tal d’aconseguir les millores esmentades, especialment l’augment de la tenacitat. Darrerament el grup està iniciant treballs amb sistemes epoxídics amb memòria de forma i amb curats B-stage, especialment indicats per afavorir l’emmagatzament i manipulació de les formulacions.
The objective of the group is to study the thermal, physical and chemical properties of materials in relation to thermodynamics and thermal analysis techniques. During the last few years, the group has studied the calorimetric, thermomechanical and dielectric properties of the following materials: polymer concretes, thermosetting resins, both pure and in a composite matrix, polymer blends, interpenetrating polymer networks, thermosetting paints, and biodegradable polyolefins. The knowledge acquired by the group and the specialised use of different instrumental techniques allow it to work both on the characterisation of materials as well as on their transformation processes. These activities include the study of the following: structural relaxation, processes related to phase transformation and phase separation, processes related to durability and thermal stability, the kinetics of chemical reactions (polymerisation, dynamic and isothermal curing, thermal and thermo-oxidative degradation) and physical ageing. They also include the determination of the following properties: a) thermal properties (specific heats, thermal expansion coefficients, phase change enthalpies, heats of reaction and glass transition temperatures), b) mechanical properties (expansion coefficient, storage and loss modulus and loss factor), c) dielectric properties (dielectric permittivity and loss factor) and d) thermo-optical properties. The techniques used to perform these activities are the following: a) differential scanning calorimetry, both conventional and temperature-modulated, and tensional calorimetry, b) mechanical analysis (dynamic mechanical thermal analysis, thermomechanical analysis and creep), c) dielectric analysis, d) thermogravimetric analysis, e) optical thermal microscopy and e) infra-red spectroscopy with thermal control. At the present time, the group is working on the thermal and ultraviolet radiation curing of polymers and thermosetting resins. The study includes the optimisation of photocuring and its application in obtaining thermosets that have low contraction, as well as the synthesis and characterisation of nanocomposites of epoxy resins and laminar silicates. The group is part of the Thermal Energy Research Group, which is considered a consolidated research group by the Generalitat of Catalonia¿s General Directorate of Research (DGR). The academic objectives of the group are concerned with the teaching of thermodynamics and related subjects, such as thermal analysis, physical chemistry, the study of energy transformations and systems of energy storage, among others.
The objective of the group is to study the thermal, physical and chemical properties of materials in relation to thermodynamics and thermal analysis techniques. During the last few years, the group has studied the calorimetric, thermomechanical and dielectric properties of the following materials: polymer concretes, thermosetting resins, both pure and in a composite matrix, polymer blends, interpenetrating polymer networks, thermosetting paints, and biodegradable polyolefins. The knowledge acquired by the group and the specialised use of different instrumental techniques allow it to work both on the characterisation of materials as well as on their transformation processes. These activities include the study of the following: structural relaxation, processes related to phase transformation and phase separation, processes related to durability and thermal stability, the kinetics of chemical reactions (polymerisation, dynamic and isothermal curing, thermal and thermo-oxidative degradation) and physical ageing. They also include the determination of the following properties: a) thermal properties (specific heats, thermal expansion coefficients, phase change enthalpies, heats of reaction and glass transition temperatures), b) mechanical properties (expansion coefficient, storage and loss modulus and loss factor), c) dielectric properties (dielectric permittivity and loss factor) and d) thermo-optical properties. The techniques used to perform these activities are the following: a) differential scanning calorimetry, both conventional and temperature-modulated, and tensional calorimetry, b) mechanical analysis (dynamic mechanical thermal analysis, thermomechanical analysis and creep), c) dielectric analysis, d) thermogravimetric analysis, e) optical thermal microscopy and e) infra-red spectroscopy with thermal control. At the present time, the group is working on the thermal and ultraviolet radiation curing of polymers and thermosetting resins. The study includes the optimisation of photocuring and its application in obtaining thermosets that have low contraction, as well as the synthesis and characterisation of nanocomposites of epoxy resins and laminar silicates. The group is part of the Thermal Energy Research Group, which is considered a consolidated research group by the Generalitat of Catalonia¿s General Directorate of Research (DGR). The academic objectives of the group are concerned with the teaching of thermodynamics and related subjects, such as thermal analysis, physical chemistry, the study of energy transformations and systems of energy storage, among others.
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Articles de revista [116]
Recent Submissions
Aplicación de la calorimetría diferencial de barrido al estudio de transiciones térmicas en investigación y docencia
(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2001)
Conference report
Restricted access - publisher's policyEl objetivo de esta comunicación es exponer la aplicación de la técnica DSC en las líneas de investigación de nuestro grupo en el ámbito de las transiciones térmicas de polímeros termoplásticos y termoestables. A su vez ... -
Analysis of the non-ideal crosslinking process in thiol-X “click” thermosets
(Elsevier, 2024-04-13)
Open AccessThiol-click reactions are widely used in the preparation of thermosets. The network build-up process follows step-wise polymerization behavior, which is commonly analyzed assuming ideal step-wise behavior using well- known ... -
Biobased imine vitrimers obtained by photo and thermal curing procedures-promising materials for 3D printing
(American Chemical Society (ACS), 2024-03-14)
Open AccessImine-based vitrimers were prepared from synthesized diimine-dimethacrylate monomer derived from biobased vanillin. First, a methacrylate derivative starting from vanillin was synthesized. The diimine derivative was ... -
Harnessing disulfide and transesterification bond exchange reactions for recyclable and reprocessable 3D-printed vitrimers
Open AccessTwo new vitrimeric materials have been studied for potential additive manufacturing applications such as 3D- printing. A monomer containing disulfide bonds and ß-hydroxyesters was easily synthesized from two low- cost and ... -
Eugenol-based dual-cured materials with multiple dynamic exchangeable bonds
(Elsevier, 2024-02-21)
Open AccessIn the present work, the preparation of sustainable thermosets has been approached simultaneously from three different points of view: a) the use of bio-based monomers chemically modified through green methodologies, b) ... -
Easily recycled thiol-ene elastomers with controlled creep
(Elsevier, 2024-03)
Open AccessStarting from in-house synthesized allylic monomers containing dynamic disulfide (S–S) bonds, a set of vitrimeric thiol-ene elastomers were prepared and characterized with respect to their viscoelastic and tensile properties. ... -
Preparation of poly(thiourethane) networks by using a novel acidic organocatalyst. Evaluation of their vitrimer-like behavior
Restricted access - publisher's policyIn this work, a novel acidic catalyst, isopropyl methane sulfonate, has been tested for the preparation of a series of poly(thiourethane) thermosets (PTU)s. The advantage of this compound is that in addition to being free ... -
Dual-cured thermosets based on eugenol derivatives and thiol chemistry
(Elsevier, 2023-11-22)
Restricted access - publisher's policyThis paper aims to increase sustainability in thermosetting polymeric fields using bio-based monomers and environmentally friendly processing technologies based on dual-curing. Eugenol has been transformed into acrylate ... -
Critical analysis of the thermal stability of transesterification vitrimers for 3D-printing applications based on digital light processing
Open Access3D-printable vitrimers processed by digital light processing (DLP) have been recently developed, based on the transesterification reaction of ß-hydroxyester structures from mono- and diacrylate monomers employed in the ... -
The use of lanthanide triflates in the preparation of poly(thiourethane) covalent adaptable networks
(Elsevier, 2023-09-22)
Open AccessCovalent adaptable networks (CANs) are new polymeric materials with the mechanical properties of thermosets and the possibility of being recycled like thermoplastics. Poly(thiourethane) networks have demonstrated vitrimeric-like ... -
Structural design of CANs with fine-tunable relaxation properties: a theoretical framework based on network structure and kinetics modeling
(American Chemical Society, 2023-06-23)
Open AccessIn this work, we present a model capable of reproducing the stress relaxation dynamics of a wide range of relaxation processes in covalent adaptable networks (CANs) produced by stepwise polymerization. The proposed model ... -
Recyclable dual-curing thiol-isocyanate-epoxy vitrimers with sequential relaxation profiles
(Elsevier, 2023-09-11)
Open AccessTwo series of poly(thiourethane)s-poly(thiol-epoxy) hybrids were prepared from dual-curing, stoichiometric thiol:isocyanate:epoxy mixtures. 1-methylimidazole (MI) was used as initiator for the thiol-isocyanate and thiol-epoxy ...