CUDU - Grup de recerca en Direcció Universitària
El grup de recerca en Direcció Universitària, sorgeix com un desenvolupament natural dels projectes internacionals i de les activitats de formació i consultoria que es duu a terme per la Càtedra des de més d'una dècada. Contribuir al desenvolupament del coneixement en el camp de la direcció estratègica aplicada a l'educació superior ha estat un objectiu prioritari que ha motivat la creació del grup.
Collections in this community
Articles de revista [20]
Working papers [1]
Recent Submissions
Costos de la renovación curricular: una propuesta metodológica para la valorización económica de carreras universitarias
Open AccessA partir del estudio de caso de una universidad pública chilena, se analiza la importancia de la renovación curricular en la gestión universitaria y se propone una metodología que sistematiza los costos y valoriza económicamente ... -
Les estructures intel·ligents: aplicació de noves tecnologies per a la gestió de la salut estructural dels edificis
(Col·legi d'Aparelladors, Arquitectes Tècnics i Enginyers d'Edificació de Barcelona (CAATEEB), 2012-09)
Open Access -
Assessing the performance of technology transfer offices: An analysis of the relevance of TTO’s outcome configuration and aspiration performance
Conference report
Open AccessThe paper investigates the technology-transfer productivity of Spanish public universities. The proposed approach allows the development of a framework that matches universities’ technology transfer concerns with the need ... -
Estructuras inteligentes: aplicación de las nuevas tecnologías para la gestión de la salud estructural de las construcciones
Open AccessCuando se piensa en un elemento constructivo de hormigón armado, claramente se asocia a un ser inanimado, de la misma manera que una piedra también se asocia a un ser inanimado. Pero, ¿y si fuera posible dotar a este ... -
Aligning professional skills and active learning methods: an application for information and communications technology engineering
Restricted access - publisher's policyEngineering education is facing new challenges to effectively provide the appropriate skills to future engineering professionals according to market demands. This study proposes a model based on active learning methods, ... -
Applications of fuzzy logic for determining the driving forces in collaborative research contracts
Restricted access - publisher's policyThis study examines various factors (human capital, experience, attraction capacity, and profile) of technology centers that, according to the literature, affect the performance of science–industry R&D partnerships. The ... -
Motivational recipes and research performance: a fuzzy set analysis of the motivational profile of high performing research scientists
Restricted access - publisher's policyRecent research identifies internal self-concept motivation and instrumental motivation as having positive and negative effects, respectively, on the performance of research scientists. However, the majority of research ... -
Is research mediating the relationship between teaching experience and student satisfaction?
(Taylor & Francis, 2016-07-05)
Restricted access - publisher's policyUniversities must ensure that academic staff are qualified and competent for performing their job. Teaching and research are two key activities in which lecturers should excel. While some authors suggest teaching and ... -
Can a magic recipe foster university spin-off creation?
Restricted access - publisher's policyThis study examines factors that explain the creation of university spin-offs. The study focuses on mechanisms that technology transfer offices (TTOs) and universities employ to foster spin-offs. These mechanisms include ... -
The impact of the lecturer experience on the student satisfaction
Conference report
Open AccessPurpose – The paper is twofold aimed. We first examine the relationship between teaching experience and students’ satisfaction. In a second stage we explore the mediating effect of research intensity in this relationship ... -
Modelo de competencias para microempresarios en entornos deprimidos: caso de la región 5 del Ecuador
Conference lecture
Restricted access - publisher's policy -
International briefing 33: training and development in Argentina
Open AccessThe purpose of this briefing is to describe training and development in Argentina and to identify and analyze the issues that arise for policy and practice. After painting a brief picture of the country, we consider ...