ViRVIG - Grup de Recerca en Visualització, Realitat Virtual i Interacció Gràfica
L'activitat de recerca del nostre grup s'inscriu dins la temàtica de la informàtica gràfica (computer graphics) i engloba, de forma complementària, des dels àmbits més fonamentals (geometria computacional, processament de geometria) a les temàtiques relacionades amb els models geomètrics i de volum (estructures jeràrquiques, models discrets, modelització de sistemes molt complexos), la modelització de l'aparença i dels fenomens naturals, la visualització dels models, i les tècniques avançades per a la interacció amb aquests models i per a la seva presentació en entorns de realitat virtual i augmentada, especialment en dispositius de baix cost i en mòbils. El treball coordinat en aquestes àrees genera coneixement transversal en les diferents vessants de la visualització interactiva, amb aplicació directa a camps com la modelització d'entorns rurals i urbans, l'anàlisi visual aplicat a medicina, la simulació de multituds o la preservació del territori i del patrimoni cultural.
La actividad de investigación de nuestro grupo se inscribe dentro de la temática de la informática gráfica (computer graphics) y engloba, de forma complementaria, desde los ámbitos más fundamentales (geometría computacional, procesamiento de geometría) a las temáticas relacionadas con los modelos geométricos y de volumen (estructuras jerárquicas, modelos discretos, modelización de sistemas muy complejos), la modelización de la apariencia y de los fenómenos naturales, la visualización de los modelos, y las técnicas avanzadas para la interacción con estos modelos y para su presentación en entornos de realidad virtual y aumentada, especialmente en dispositivos de bajo coste y en móviles. El trabajo coordinado en estas áreas genera conocimiento transversal en las diferentes vertientes de la visualización interactiva, con aplicación directa en campos como la modelización de entornos rurales y urbanos, el análisis visual aplicado a medicina, la simulación de multitudes o la preservación del territorio y del patrimonio cultural.
The group focuses on research in modelling, visualisation and advanced graphics interaction and its application to virtual reality. The group's objectives are the following:
- To produce high-quality research results in the areas of visualisation, geometric and volumetric modelling, physically based animation, virtual reality and advanced interaction.
- To train new researchers and doctoral students in these areas.
- To foster and maintain strong international cooperation.
- To work on relevant research projects funded by various institutions (EU, CICYT, etc.)
- To transfer the results of the group?s research and VR applications (virtual prototypes for industrial design, medical applications, architecture, cultural heritage, low-cost VR systems, etc.) to industry and other organisations.
The group focuses on research in modelling, visualisation and advanced graphics interaction and its application to virtual reality. The group's objectives are the following:
- To produce high-quality research results in the areas of visualisation, geometric and volumetric modelling, physically based animation, virtual reality and advanced interaction.
- To train new researchers and doctoral students in these areas.
- To foster and maintain strong international cooperation.
- To work on relevant research projects funded by various institutions (EU, CICYT, etc.)
- To transfer the results of the group?s research and VR applications (virtual prototypes for industrial design, medical applications, architecture, cultural heritage, low-cost VR systems, etc.) to industry and other organisations.
Collections in this community
Articles de revista [100]
Reports de recerca [35]
Recent Submissions
Rendering piecewise approximations of SDFs through analytic intersections
(Elsevier, 2024-08)
Open AccessSigned distance fields (SDFs) have emerged as an alternative shape representation for real-time collision detection and lighting effects. Computing these for complex models can be expensive, so one popular approach is to ... -
Are LLMs ready for visualization?
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2024)
Conference lecture
Open AccessGenerative models have received a lot of attention in many areas of academia and the industry. Their capabilities span many areas, from the invention of images given a prompt to the generation of concrete code to solve a ... -
Effect of color palettes in heatmaps perception: a study
(European Association for Computer Graphics (Eurographics), 2023)
Conference lecture
Open AccessHeatmaps are a widely used technique in visualization. Unfortunately, they have not been investigated in depth and little is known about the best parameterizations so that they are properly interpreted. The effect of ... -
Digital 3D models for medieval heritage: diachronic analysis and documentation of its architecture and paintings
(Springer, 2024-06-12)
Open AccessIn this paper, we discuss the requirements and technical challenges within the EHEM project, Enhancement of Heritage Experiences: The Middle Ages, an ongoing research program for the acquisition, analysis, documentation, ... -
Exploring the role of expected collision feedback in crowded virtual environments
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2024)
Conference report
Open AccessAn increasing number of virtual reality applications require environments that emulate real-world conditions. These environments often involve dynamic virtual humans showing realistic behaviors. Understanding user perception ... -
TRAIL: Simulating the impact of human locomotion on natural landscapes
(Springer, 2024-06-05)
Open AccessHuman and animal presence in natural landscapes is initially revealed by the immediate impact of their locomotion, from footprints to crushed grass. In this work, we present an approach to model the effects of virtual ... -
DeadWood: Including disturbance and decay in the depiction of digital nature
Open AccessThe creation of truly believable simulated natural environments remains an unsolved problem in Computer Graphics. This is, in part, due to a lack of visual variety. In nature, apart from variation due to abiotic and biotic ... -
A 3D feature-based approach for mapping scaling effects on stone monuments
(Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), 2024-04-17)
Open AccessWeathering effects caused by physical, chemical, or biological processes result in visible damages that alter the appearance of stones’ surfaces. Consequently, weathered stone monuments can offer a distorted perception of ... -
Simulating real-life scenarios to better understand the spread of diseases under different contexts
(Springer, 2024-02-01)
Open AccessCurrent statistical models to simulate pandemics miss the most relevant information about the close atomic interactions between individuals which is the key aspect of virus spread. Thus, they lack a proper visualization ... -
Automatic 3D avatar generation from a single RBG frontal image
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2022)
Conference lecture
Open AccessWe present a complete automatic system to obtain a realistic 3D avatar reconstruction of a person using only a frontal RGB image. Our proposed workflow first determines the pose, shape and semantic information from the ... -
Organ donation training using VR: ODT-VR
(European Association for Computer Graphics (Eurographics), 2023)
Conference lecture
Open AccessOrgan transplantation has become very important for treating organ diseases and new technologies have been developed to increase the donor pool. Virtual Reality (VR) has been proven to be a valuable tool for training in ... -
PADELVIC: Multicamera videos and motion capture data in padel matches
Open AccessRecent advances in computer vision and deep learning techniques have opened new possibilities regarding the automatic labeling of sport videos. However, an essen-tial requirement for supervised techniques is the availability ...