ASQUAS - Agricultura Sostenible i Qualitat dels Aliments
El grup de recerca ASQUAS en ser un grup emergent té una trajectòria de treball conjunta breu menor als 3 anys. Tot i que és veritat que alguns dels membres del grup havien col·laborat esporàdicament amb anterioritat, enguany es va decidir constituir un grup com a tal i establir unes directrius per desenvolupar una activitat de recerca conjunta, definida i amb continuïtat. La motivació sorgeix de la necessitat de donar una visió el més global possible dels sistemes agraris (des de les condicions de producció fins la caracterització d'aliments) per tal de tancar el cercle entre tots els aspectes implicats. La unió dels membres d'aquest grup dóna un abast ampli i multidisciplinar, alhora que permet avaluar de manera global aspectes de la producció agrícola, des de l'inici fins al final del procés. Mostres de l'activitat conjunta del grup són els 5 articles acceptats per al 2014 i les 2 sol·licituds de projectes competitius del finals de 2013.
Collections in this community
Altres [1]
Articles de revista [20]
Recent Submissions
Influence of sprayer type, air settings and nozzle type on drift during spray application in vineyard. Effect of canopy density on spray retention
Conference report
Open AccessSprayer types, as well as working parameters, have direct influence on the amount of spray retained on the canopy. This research was focused on the quantification of spray amount that exceeded the last canopy row during ... -
Valoración sobre la actuación de los agricultores respecto a la contaminación del agua durante la aplicación de fitosanitarios (proyecto europeo TOPPS)
Conference report
Open AccessEl proyecto europeo TOPPS, impulsado por el sector privado con el apoyo de las instituciones públicas, pretende hacer llegar toda la información necesaria a los agricultores europeos acerca de ... -
Estudio de la turbulencia del aire y su efecto en la distribución de producto en carretillas adaptadas para tratamientos en invernaderos
Conference report
Open AccessThe present work consisted to characterize the fluctuations of the airflow produced by 4 sprayers adapted to greenhouse phytosanitary applications. Four equipment were used: 1) a handheld trolley sprayer (Amate, Almería, ... -
Developing strategies to reduce spray drift in pneumatic spraying in vineyards: Assessment of the parameters affecting droplet size in pneumatic spraying
(Elsevier, 2017-10-27)
Open AccessPneumatic sprayers are widely used in vineyards due to their very fine droplet size, which makes the drift risk to become an important problem to be considered. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of the spout ... -
Alchemilla vulgaris and Filipendula ulmaria extracts as potential natural preservatives in beef patties
Open AccessAlchemilla vulgaris (AV) and Filipendula ulmaria (FU) are European medicinal plants possess bioactive compounds that exhibit many pharmacological benefits in human. The present work aims to assess two plants ethanolic ... -
A transcriptomic approach to study the effect of long-term starvation and diet composition on the expression of mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation genes in gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata)
Open Access© 2017 The Author(s). Background: The impact of nutritional status and diet composition on mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) in fish remains largely unknown. To identify biomarkers of interest in nutritional ... -
Performance and emission of pollutants of an agricultural engine with two-power take-off settings
Open AccessFarming operations are usually performed implements driven by a power take-off (PTO) from tractors. Some manufacturers offer PTO settings named as economic (540E). Such configuration drives implements at lower tractor’s ... -
Testing the suitability of a terrestrial 2D LiDAR scanner for canopy characterization of greenhouse tomato crops
Open AccessCanopy characterization is essential for pesticide dosage adjustment according to vegetation volume and density. It is especially important for fresh exportable vegetables like greenhouse tomatoes. These plants are thin ... -
Spray distribution evaluation of different settings of a hand-held-trolley sprayer used in greenhouse tomato crops
Open AccessHand-held-trolley sprayers have recently been promoted to improve spray application techniques in greenhouses in south-eastern Spain. However, certain aspects remain to be improved. A modified hand-held-trolley sprayer was ... -
Red fruits: Extraction of antioxidants, phenolic content, and radical scavenging determination: A review
Open AccessRed fruits, as rich antioxidant foods, have gained over recent years capital importance for consumers and manufacturers. The industrial extraction of the phenolic molecules from this source has been taking place with the ... -
Evaluation of the antioxidant activity of Betula pendula leaves extract and its effects on model foods
(Taylor & Francis Ltd., 2017-02-02)
Open Access -
The response of taxonomic and functional diversity of the seed bank to agricultural intensification and soil properties in two Mediterranean cereal areas
Open AccessWeed seed bank diversity has been severely impacted by agriculture intensifi cation. However, the functional consequences have been poorly studied in highly intensifi ed agro-ecosystems.