EMA fault detection using fuzzy inference tools
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Document typePart of book or chapter of book
Defense date2012-03-02
Rights accessOpen Access
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Attribution 3.0 Spain
Acoustic emission (AE) is one of the most important non-destructive testing (NDT) methods for materials, constructions and machines. Acoustic emission is defined as the transient elastic energy that is spontaneously released when materials undergo deformation, fracture, or both. This interdisciplinary book consists of 17 chapters, which widely discuss the most important applications of AE method as machinery and civil structures condition assessment, fatigue and fracture materials research, detection of material defects and deformations, diagnostics of cutting tools and machine cutting process, monitoring of stress and ageing in materials, research, chemical reactions and phase transitions research, and earthquake prediction.
CitationCusido, J., Delgado Prieto, M., Romeral, J. EMA fault detection using fuzzy inference tools. A: "Acoustic emission". 2012, p. 267-278.