Connectivity of large-scale WSNs in fading environments under different routing Mechanisms
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Document typeConference lecture
Defense date2015-06-12
PublisherInstitute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
Rights accessOpen Access
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As the number of nodes in wireless sensor networks (WSNs) increases, new challenges have to be faced in order to maintain their performance. A fundamental requirement of several applications is the correct transmission of the measurements to their final destinations. Thus, it is crucial to guarantee a high probability of connectivity, which characterizes the ability of every node to report to the fusion center. This network metric is strongly affected by both the fading characteristics and the different routing protocols that are used for the dissemination of data. In this paper, we study the probability of a network to be fully connected for two widely employed routing mechanisms, namely unicast and K-anycast. The analytical derivations and the simulations evaluate the trade-offs among the different routing mechanisms and provide useful guidelines on the design of WSNs.
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CitationAntonopoulos, Angelos [et al.]. Connectivity of large-scale WSNs in fading environments under different routing Mechanisms. A: "IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC2015)". Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, 2015.
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