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dc.contributor.authorGrau_Martínez, Alba
dc.contributor.authorCarrey, Raul
dc.contributor.authorTorrentó, Clara
dc.contributor.authorFolch Sancho, Albert
dc.contributor.authorSoler, Albert
dc.contributor.authorOtero, Neus
dc.contributor.otherUniversitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Enginyeria del Terreny, Cartogràfica i Geofísica
dc.identifier.citationGrau_Martínez, A., Carrey, R., Torrentó, C., Folch, A., Soler, A., Otero, N. Evaluation of two carbon sources for inducing denitrification: batch and column experiments. "Procedia Earth and Planetary Science", 21 Agost 2015, vol. 13, p. 124-128.
dc.description.abstractArtificial recharge improves several water quality parameters. Denitrification is a good example of water treatment process that could be achieved through artificial recharge. To improve the removal of nitrate and other emerging organic contaminants (EOCs) a reactive barrier at the bottom of aninfiltration pond can be added. In the present study, the efficiency in removing nitrate of an artificial recharge system with a compost layer located in the Mediterranean area (Sant Vicenç dels Horts, Catalonia)is evaluated, as well as the feasibility of another carbon source to be used as reactive layer in the artificial recharge system planned in theMaghreb Region. We examined the effectiveness of two different materials, commercial compost and crushed palm tree leaves, in batch and column experiments. The results of batch experiments confirmed that both materials induced denitrification andthe flow-through experiments showed complete nitrate removal. The isotopic fractionation of nitrogen and oxygen of dissolved nitrate was calculated for both experiments in order to provide a tool to evaluate the efficacy of the treatments in future field scale studies.
dc.format.extent5 p.
dc.subjectÀrees temàtiques de la UPC::Enginyeria química::Química del medi ambient::Geoquímica
dc.subject.otherArtificial recharge
dc.subject.otherReactive layer
dc.subject.otherNitrate attenuation
dc.subject.otherNitrate isotopes
dc.titleEvaluation of two carbon sources for inducing denitrification: batch and column experiments
dc.subject.lemacGeoquímica isotòpica
dc.contributor.groupUniversitat Politècnica de Catalunya. GHS - Grup d'Hidrologia Subterrània
dc.description.peerreviewedPeer Reviewed
dc.rights.accessOpen Access
dc.description.versionPostprint (published version)
dc.relation.projectidinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/EC/FP7/619120/EU/Demonstrating Managed Aquifer Recharge as a Solution to Water Scarcity and Drought/MARSOL
local.citation.authorGrau_Martínez, A.; Carrey, R.; Torrentó, C.; Folch, A.; Soler, A.; Otero, N.
local.citation.publicationNameProcedia Earth and Planetary Science

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