El grup de recerca DCS investiga, dissenya i implementa sistemes distribuïts de control, que van des dels sistemes de control en xarxa i integrats fins als sistemes d'automatització i de control. Els interessos de grup de recerca inclouen: - Sistemes de control en xarxa sensibles al temps; - Sistemes de control de temps real; - Mètodes de disseny per a sistemes de control amb recursos limitats; - Assignació adaptiva de recursos; - Anàlisi de planificabilitat; - Anàlisi i disseny de sistemes de control; - Xarxes industrials i sistemes distribuïts d'automatització; - Anàlisi, desenvolupament i V&V de programari crític; La investigació es combina amb projectes industrials que impliquen sistemes d'automatització, en xarxes internes de vehicles, sistemes integrats complexos i distribuïts per a aplicacions científiques de grans sistemes, etc.


El grupo de investigación DCS investiga, diseña e implementa sistemas distribuidos de control, que van desde los sistemas de control en red e integrados hasta los sistemas de automatiación y de control. Los intereses de grupo de investigación incluyen: - Sistemas de control en red sensibles al tiempo; - Sistemas de control de tiempo real; - Métodos de diseño para sistemas de control con recursos limitados; - Assignación adaptiva de recursos; - Análisis de planificabilidad; - Análisis y diseño de sistemas de control; - Redes industriales y sistemas distribuidos de automatización; - Análisis, desarrollo y V&V de software crítico; La investigación se combina con proyectos industriales que implican sistemas de automatización, redes internas de vehículos, sistemas integrados complejos y distribuidos para aplicaciones científicas de grandes sistemas, etc.


The DCS research group investigates, designs and implements distributed control systems, ranging from networked and embedded control systems to automation and control systgems. The group research interests include: - Time sensitive networked control systems; - Real-time control systems; - Control methods for resource-constrianed control systems; - Adaptive resource allocation; - Schedulability analysis; - Analysis and design of control systems; -Industrial networks and distributed automation systems; - Critical software analysis, development and V&V; Research is combined with industrial projects involving automation systems, in-vehicle networking, complex distributed embedded systems for large scientific applications, etc.


The DCS research group investigates, designs and implements distributed control systems, ranging from networked and embedded control systems to automation and control systgems. The group research interests include: - Time sensitive networked control systems; - Real-time control systems; - Control methods for resource-constrianed control systems; - Adaptive resource allocation; - Schedulability analysis; - Analysis and design of control systems; -Industrial networks and distributed automation systems; - Critical software analysis, development and V&V; Research is combined with industrial projects involving automation systems, in-vehicle networking, complex distributed embedded systems for large scientific applications, etc.


Recent Submissions

  • Track detection in railway sidings based on MEMS gyroscope sensors 

    Broquetas Ibars, Antoni; Comerón Tejero, Adolfo; Gelonch Bosch, Antonio José; Fuertes Armengol, José Mª; Castro Fernández, José Antonio; Felip, Damià; López Márquez, Miguel Ángel; Pulido, Jose Antonio (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2012-11-23)
    Open Access
    The paper presents a two-step technique for real-time track detection in single-track railway sidings using low-cost MEMS gyroscopes. The objective is to reliably know the path the train has taken in a switch, diverted or ...
  • Absolute-type shaft encoding using LFSR sequences with a prescribed length 

    Fuertes Armengol, José Mª; Balle Pigem, Borja de; Ventura Capell, Enric (2008-03-31)
    Open Access
    Maximal-length binary sequences have existed for a long time. They have many interesting properties, and one of them is that, when taken in blocks of n consecutive positions, they form 2n - 1 different codes in a closed ...
  • Absolute type shaft encoding using LFSR sequences with prescribed length 

    Fuertes Armengol, José Mª; Balle, Borja; Ventura Capell, Enric (2006-02)
    Open Access
    Maximal-length binary sequences have been known for a long time. They have many interesting properties, one of them is that when taken in blocks of n consecutive positions they form 2 n ° 1 diÆerent codes in a ...
  • Toward new controller design paradigms in networked control systems 

    Torres Guerrero, Gina; Velasco García, Manel; Martí Colom, Pau; Fuertes Armengol, José Mª (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2014)
    Conference report
    Restricted access - publisher's policy
    One of the main concerns in the design of networked control systems (NCS’s) is the inherent delays induced by the networking infrastructure. Rather than considering delays as a threat, delays may be considered as an ...
  • Developing professional skills at tertiary level: A model to integrate competencies across the curriculum 

    Sánchez Carracedo, Fermín; Soler Cervera, Antonia; López Álvarez, David; Martín Escofet, Carme; Ageno Pulido, Alicia; Belanche Muñoz, Luis Antonio; Cabré Garcia, José M.; Cobo Valeri, Erik; Farré Cirera, Rafael; García Almiñana, Jordi; Marès Martí, Pere (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2014)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    In the context of the European Higher Education Area, curriculum design needs to be based on the defined competencies of each degree programs, including both domain specific and professional competencies. In this educational ...
  • LTI ODE-valued neural networks 

    Velasco García, Manel; Martín Rull, Enric Xavier; Angulo Bahón, Cecilio; Martí Colom, Pau (2014-05)
    Restricted access - publisher's policy
    A dynamical version of the classical McCulloch & Pitts’ neural model is introduced in this paper. In this new approach, artificial neurons are characterized by: i) inputs in the form of differentiable continuous-time ...
  • Mixing local and distributed reactive power control for balancing inverters' effort in grid-connected photovoltaic systems 

    Velasco García, Manel; Martí Colom, Pau; Camacho Santiago, Antonio; Miret Tomàs, Jaume; Castilla Fernández, Miguel (2013)
    Conference report
    Restricted access - publisher's policy
    Reactive power control methods have been proven to be a successful technique for maintaining voltages of photovoltaic (PV) distributed generators (DG) within the admissible limits without enforcing to reduce the production ...
  • De la farola urbana hacia un elemento urbano multifuncional 

    Ruiz, Fèlix; Farré, Josep; Martí Colom, Pau; Martínez Antúnez, Nora Isabel; Llorens García, Ariadna (2014-01)
    Open Access
    Se està produciendo un cambio de paradigma, un cambio de concepto de la farola tradicional, transformándose en otra cosa diferente, en el nodo urbano. Esto supone un nuevo paso en la línea de las smart cities. Los autores ...
  • Holistic indices for productivity control assessment, applied to the comparative analysis of PID and fuzzy controllers within an Isasmelt furnace 

    Ojeda Sarmiento, Juan Manuel; Fuertes Armengol, José Mª; Griful Ponsati, Eulàlia (2014-02-01)
    Restricted access - publisher's policy
    This research aims to contribute to the analysis of control performance assessment in extractive metallurgy. Productivity-based indices are proposed in addition to current measuring techniques. Such criteria are employed ...
  • El Node urbà : Canvi de concepte del fanal cap a element urbà multifuncional en smart cities 

    Ruiz, Fèlix; Farré, Josep; Martí Colom, Pau; Martínez Antúnez, Nora Isabel; Llorens García, Ariadna (Col·legi d'Aparelladors, Arquitectes Tècnics i Enginyers d'Edificació de Barcelona (CAATEEB), 2014-06)
    Open Access
  • An alternative discrete-time model for networked control systems with time delay less than the sampling period 

    Torres Guerrero, Gina; Velasco García, Manel; Martí Colom, Pau; Martín Rull, Enric Xavier; Fuertes Armengol, José Mª (2013)
    Conference lecture
    Restricted access - publisher's policy
    The majority of existing Networked Control Systems (NCS) models are discrete-time formulations based on the exact discretization of the continuous-time linear plant over a sample interval. In the state-space formalism, ...
  • Mixing local and distributed reactive power control for balancing inverters’ effort in grid-connected photovoltaic systems 

    Velasco García, Manel; Martí Colom, Pau; Camacho Santiago, Antonio; Miret Tomàs, Jaume; Castilla Fernández, Miguel (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2013)
    Conference lecture
    Restricted access - publisher's policy
    Reactive power control methods have been proven to be a successful technique for maintaining voltages of photo-voltaic (PV) distributed generators (DG) within the admissible limits without enforcing to reduce the production ...

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