Recent Submissions

  • A Methodology for investigating dust model performance using synergistic EARLINET/AERONET dust concentration retrievals 

    Binietoglou, Ioannis; Basart, Sara; Alados Arboledas, Lucas; Baldasano Recio, José María; Comerón Tejero, Adolfo; Muñoz Porcar, Constantino; Rocadenbosch Burillo, Francisco; Rodríguez Gómez, Alejandro Antonio; Sicard, Michaël (2015-09-04)
    Open Access
    Systematic measurements of dust concentration profiles at a continental scale were recently made possible by the development of synergistic retrieval algorithms using combined lidar and sun photometer data and the establishment ...
  • Statistical modelling and satellite monitoring of upward light from public lighting 

    Estrada García, Ramón; García Gil, Manuel; Acosta Argueta, Lesly María; Bará Viñas, Savador; Sanchez de Miguel, Alejandro; Zamorano, J (2015-04-21)
    Open Access
    In this work, we propose an approach to estimating the amount of light wasted by being sent towards the upper hemisphere from urban areas. This is a source of light pollution. The approach is based on a predictive model ...
  • Proceder de la innovación en la industria farmacéutica : el caso de España 

    Salazar, Aida; Cruz, Elicet; Lloveras Macià, Joaquín; Urriolagoitia Calderón, Guillermo (Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 2015-06-01)
    Open Access
    El presente artículo explora sectores que identifican la innovación en empresas farmacéuticas de España. Para ello se consideran firmas nacionales y filiales extranjeras establecidas en territorio nacional. El análisis ...
  • Model course to revalidate deck officers' competences using simulators 

    Castells Sanabra, Marcel·la; Ordás Jiménez, Santiago; Barahona Fuentes, Claudia; Moncunill Marimon, Jorge; Muyskens, Cees; Hofman, Wibbo; Cross, Stephen; Kondratiev, A.; Boran-Keshishyan, A.; Popov, A.; Skorokhodov, S. (2015-10-01)
    Open Access
    In accordance with Part A, Chapter I, Section I/11 Revalidation of Certificates of the Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW) 2010 Convention, continued evaluation of professional ...
  • Professional skills in international multidisciplinary teams 

    Ponsa Asensio, Pere; Román Jiménez, José Antonio; Arnó Macià, Elisabet; Pérez Soriano, Jaume (Tempus Publications, 2015-07-10)
    Open Access
    The international engineering education programs must guarantee that a graduate possesses the attributes to work effectively within a global environment. It is therefore necessary to establish the competencies required ...
  • Using linguistic descriptions with multi-criteria decision aid approaches in urban energy systems 

    Afsordegan, Arayeh; Sánchez Soler, Monica; Agell Jané, Núria; Gamboa Jimenez, Gonzalo; Cremades Oliver, Lázaro Vicente (2015-02)
    Open Access
    Multi-Criteria Decision Aid (MCDA) methods include various collections of mathematical techniques related to decision support systems in non-deterministic environments to support such applications as facility management, ...
  • Métodos de eliminación del color en efluentes de tintura textil 

    Vilaseca Vallvé, M. Mercedes; López Grimau, Víctor; Gutiérrez Bouzán, María Carmen; Crespi Rosell, Martin (2015-04-01)
    Open Access
    La industria textil por vía húmeda genera grandes cantidades de agua residual en sus procesos productivos, principalmente en las operaciones de ennoblecimiento (preparación, tintura y acabado). El sector textil precisa de ...
  • Valuation of oil extraction residue from Moringa Oleifera seeds for water purification in Burkina Faso 

    Amante García, Beatriz; López Grimau, Víctor; Smith, Tarik (2015)
    Open Access
    This study is on the reuse of the residue generated by a Moringa oleifera oil extraction plant. The residual oil cake produced during the process of oil extraction retains the positively charged protein of the M. oleifera ...
  • Comparison of different wastewater treatments for colour removal of reactive dye baths 

    López Grimau, Víctor; Vilaseca Vallvé, M. Mercedes; Gutiérrez Bouzán, María Carmen (2015-04-07)
    Open Access
    The generation of high-coloured wastewater is one of the main environmental problems of the textile industry. Reactive dyes are widely used in the dyeing of cellulosic fibres. However, they have low exhaustion degree ...
  • El Grafeno. Parte I: estructura, propiedades y aplicaciones 

    Cremades Oliver, Lázaro Vicente; Cusidó Fàbregas, Joan Antoni (2015-05)
    Restricted access - publisher's policy
    Ante el descubrimiento del grafeno, un material con propiedades de gran interés tecnológico, la industria busca optimizar sus mecanismos de producción con el objetivo de abordar un mercado para el cual se prevé un gran ...
  • Motivació i protagonisme als grups de treball de projectes d’enginyeria 

    Lloveras Macià, Joaquín (2014-04-27)
    Open Access
    Els alumnes s’inicien a fer projectes d’enginyeria en l’assignatura de Projectes. S’exposen algunes metodologies practicades a classe, com per exemple que: els estudiants s’organitzen en grups i trien el seu tema de treball; ...
  • Seasonal patterns of Saharan dust over Cape Verde : a combined approach using observations and modelling 

    Gama, Carla; Tchepel, Oxana; Baldasano Recio, José María; Basart Alpuente, Sara; Ferreira, Joana; Pio, Casimiro; Cardoso, Joao; Borrego, Carlos (2015-01-01)
    Open Access
    A Characterisation of the dust transported from North Africa deserts to the Cape Verde Islands, including particle size distribution, concentrations and optical properties, for a complete annual cycle (the year 2011), is ...

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