Recent Submissions

  • Model and requirements for a multiresolution time series database management system 

    Llusà Serra, Aleix; Escobet Canal, Teresa; Vila Marta, Sebastià (2012-12-17)
    Research report
    Open Access
    In this paper we define a model for multiresolution time series database management systems. The main objective is to store compactly a time series and manage consistently its temporal dimension. It is achieved by extracting ...
  • Detecció de fallades en un sistema de piles de combustible 

    Escobet Canal, Antoni; Nebot Castells, M. Àngela (2010-02-15)
    Research report
    Open Access
    In this work a fault diagnosis system for non-linear plants based on fuzzy logic, called VisualBlock-FIR, is presented and applied to an energy generation system based on fuel cells. VisualBlock-FIR runs under the Simulink ...