Recent Submissions

  • Establishing nanoscale heterogeneity with nanoscale force measurements 

    Chang, Yun-Hsiang, Yun-Hsiang; Olukan, Tuza; Lai, Chia-Yun; Santos, Sergio; Lin, Tze-Yu; Apostoleris, Harry; Font Teixidó, Josep; Barcons Xixons, Víctor; Chiesa, Matteo (2015-08-13)
    Open Access
    Establishing the presence or absence of nanoscale compositional heterogeneity with nanoscale resolution is becoming instrumental for the development of many fields of science. Force versus distance measurements and parameters ...
  • Periodicity in bimodal atomic force microscopy 

    Lai, Chia-Yun; Barcons Xixons, Víctor; Santos, Sergio; Chiesa, Matteo (American Institute of Physics (AIP), 2015-07-28)
    Open Access
    Periodicity is fundamental for quantification and the application of conservation principles of many important systems. Here, we discuss periodicity in the context of bimodal atomic force microscopy (AFM). The relationship ...
  • Subharmonic excitation in amplitude modulation atomic force microscopy in the presence of adsorbed water layers 

    Santos Hernández, Sergio; Barcons Xixons, Víctor; Verdaguer, Albert; Chiesa, Matteo (American Institute of Physics (AIP), 2011-12-02)
    Open Access
    In ambient conditions, nanometric water layers form on hydrophilicsurfaces covering them and significantly changing their properties and characteristics. Here we report the excitation of subharmonics in amplitude modulation ...
  • Superregenerative reception of narrowband FSK modulations 

    Palà Schönwälder, Pere; Bonet Dalmau, Jordi; López Riera, Alexis; Moncunill Geniz, Francesc Xavier; Águila López, Francisco del; Giralt Mas, Ma. Rosa (2015-03-01)
    Open Access
    In this paper we investigate the possibilities of narrowband FSK detection using a superregenerative (SR) receiver. Previous SR FM demodulation techniques rely on detecting the amplitude variations caused by the different ...
  • PEM fuel cell fault diagnosis via a hybrid methodology based on fuzzy and pattern recognition techniques 

    Escobet Canal, Antoni; Nebot Castells, M. Àngela; Múgica Álvarez, Francisco (2014-08)
    Open Access
    In this work, a fault diagnosis methodology termed VisualBlock-Fuzzy Inductive Reasoning, i.e. VisualBlock-FIR, based on fuzzy and pattern recognition approaches is presented and applied to PEM fuel cell power systems. The ...
  • Optimal control of a water distribution network in a supervisory control system 

    Cembrano Gennari, Gabriela; Wells, G; Quevedo Casín, Joseba Jokin; Pérez Magrané, Ramon; Argelaguet Isanta, María Rosa (2000-05)
    Open Access
    This paper deals with the use of optimal control techniques in water distribution networks. An optimal control tool, developed in the context of a European research project is described and the application to the city of ...
  • Decomposition of geometric constraint graphs based on computing fundamental circuits. Correctness and complexity 

    Joan Arinyo, Robert; Tarres Puertas, Marta Isabel; Vila Marta, Sebastià (2014-07-01)
    Restricted access - publisher's policy
    In geometric constraint solving, Decomposition Recombination solvers (DR-solvers) refer to a general solving approach where the problem is divided into a set of sub-problems, each sub-problem is recursively divided until ...
  • Forward backward asymmetries of lepton pairs in events with a large transverse momentum jet at hadron colliders 

    Águila López, Francisco del; Ametller Congost, Lluís; Talavera Sánchez, Pedro (2002-10)
    Open Access
    We discuss forward-backward charge asymmetries for lepton-pair production in association with a large-transverse-momentum jet at hadron colliders. The lepton charge asymmetry relative to the jet direction AjFB gives a new ...
  • A low in-band radiation superregenerative oscillator 

    Palà Schönwälder, Pere; Bonet Dalmau, Jordi; Moncunill Geniz, Francesc Xavier; Águila López, Francisco del; Giralt Mas, Ma. Rosa (2013-05-27)
    Open Access
    This brief describes a superregenerative (SR) voltage-controlled oscillator as a building block for SR receivers where most of the oscillator spectrum components are outside the reception frequency band. This allows ...
  • Phase contrast and operation regimes in multifrequency atomic force microscopy 

    Santos Hernández, Sergio (2014-04-07)
    Open Access
    In amplitude modulation atomic force microscopy the attractive and the repulsive force regimes induce phase shifts above and below 90°, respectively. In the more recent multifrequency approach, however, multiple operation ...
  • Unlocking higher harmonics in atomic force microscopy with gentle interactions 

    Santos Hernández, Sergio; Barcons Xixons, Víctor; Font Teixidó, Josep; Verdaguer Prats, Albert (2014-03-11)
    Open Access
    In dynamic atomic force microscopy, nanoscale properties are encoded in the higher harmonics. Nevertheless, when gentle interactions and minimal invasiveness are required, these harmonics are typically undetectable. Here, ...
  • A superregenerative QPSK receiver 

    Palà Schönwälder, Pere; Bonet Dalmau, Jordi; Moncunill Geniz, Francesc Xavier; Águila López, Francisco del; Giralt Mas, Ma. Rosa (2014-01)
    Open Access
    In this paper we present a description and experimental verification of a superregenerative receiver (SR) for QPSK signals. Exploiting the fact that a conventional SR generates pulses which preserve the input phase ...

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