SIR - Service and Industrial Robotics
El grup SIR desenvolupa l'activitat d'investigació en robòtica industrial i de serveis seguint els enfocaments tradicionals i els nous paradigmes en què els robots poden treballar de forma segura juntament amb els humans de forma que es converteixin en companys de treball i col·legues en la fàbrica i en la llar. En aquest àmbit, el treball d'investigació del grup se centra principalment en eines transversals per a la manipulació dretana, mòbil i cooperativa, així com per a la teleoperació de robots. La llista de temes abordats inclou control i comunicacions a través d'Internet, posicionament relacional, sistemes de visió i realitat augmentada en 3D, síntesi automàtica de captures, telemanipulació, programació per demostració, planificació del moviment similar a l'humà, planificació simultània de tasques i moviments i planificació de la manipulació basada en la física. Les eines comunes utilitzades en aquesta investigació són dispositius háptics, plataformes mòbils, robots industrials, robots de doble braç, mans mecàniques i sistemes sensorials.
El grupo SIR desarrolla la actividad de investigación en robótica industrial y de servicios siguiendo los enfoques tradicionales y los nuevos paradigmas donde los robots pueden trabajar de forma segura junto a los humanos de forma que se conviertan en compañeros de trabajo y colegas en la fábrica y en el hogar. En este ámbito, el trabajo de investigación del grupo se centra principalmente en herramientas transversales para la manipulación diestra, móvil y cooperativa, así como para la teleoperación de robots. La lista de temas abordados incluye control y comunicaciones a través de Internet, posicionamiento relacional, sistemas de visión y realidad aumentada en 3D, síntesis automática de capturas, telemanipulación, programación por demostración, planificación del movimiento similar al humano, planificación simultánea de tareas y movimientos y planificación de la manipulación basada en la física. Las herramientas comunes utilizadas en esta investigación son dispositivos hápticos, plataformas móviles, robots industriales, robots de doble brazo, manos mecánicas y sistemas sensoriales.
The group SIR performs the research activity in industrial and service robotics following traditional approaches as well as new paradigms where the robots are allowed to work safely alongside humans in such a way that they become collaborative coworkers and fellows in the factory floor and at home. In this scope, the research work of the group is mainly focused on transversal tools for dexterous, mobile and cooperative manipulation as well as for robot teleoperation. The list of addressed topics includes control and communications through the Internet, relational positioning, vision systems and 3D augmented reality, automatic synthesis of grasps, telemanipulation, programming by demonstration, human-like motion planning, simultaneous task and motion planning, and physics-based manipulation planning. Typical tools used in this research are haptic devices, mobile platforms, industrial robots, dual-arm robots, mechanical hands and sensory systems.
The group SIR performs the research activity in industrial and service robotics following traditional approaches as well as new paradigms where the robots are allowed to work safely alongside humans in such a way that they become collaborative coworkers and fellows in the factory floor and at home. In this scope, the research work of the group is mainly focused on transversal tools for dexterous, mobile and cooperative manipulation as well as for robot teleoperation. The list of addressed topics includes control and communications through the Internet, relational positioning, vision systems and 3D augmented reality, automatic synthesis of grasps, telemanipulation, programming by demonstration, human-like motion planning, simultaneous task and motion planning, and physics-based manipulation planning. Typical tools used in this research are haptic devices, mobile platforms, industrial robots, dual-arm robots, mechanical hands and sensory systems.
Collections in this community
Articles de revista [77]
Recent Submissions
Automatic generation of behavior trees for the execution of robotic manipulation tasks
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2021)
Conference report
Open AccessRobots should be able to exercise reasoning in both symbolic and geometric levels in order to plan a manipulation task. The execution of such tasks needs to be robust enough to cope with real environments. In an attempt ... -
Quantitative assessment of hand function in healthy subjects and post-stroke patients with the action research arm test
(Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2022-05-10)
Open AccessThe Action Research Arm Test (ARAT) can provide subjective results due to the difficulty assessing abnormal patterns in stroke patients. The aim of this study was to identify joint impairments and compensatory grasping ... -
Hand motion analysis during the execution of the action research arm test using multiple sensors
(Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2022-05-01)
Open AccessThe Action Research Arm Test (ARAT) is a standardized outcome measure that can be improved by integrating sensors for hand motion analysis. The purpose of this study is to measure the flexion angle of the finger joints and ... -
Efficient Industrial Solution for Robotic Task Sequencing Problem With Mutual Collision Avoidance & Cycle Time Optimization
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2022-04)
Open AccessIn the automotive industry, several robots are required to simultaneously carry out welding sequences on the same vehicle. Coordinating and assigning welding points between robots is a manual and difficult phase that needs ... -
Hot working behaviour and processing maps of duplex cast steel
Open AccessIn this paper the hot working behaviour of medium carbon duplex cast steel is studied using uniaxial hot compression tests over a temperature range varying from 700 °C to 1 000 °C and at different strain rates ranging from ... -
Preface: a special selection on biomechanical applications in medical science - Part I
Open AccessThis special selection on Biomechanical Applications in Medical Science presents the ongoing and active research in Biomechanics area. The overall goal is to summarize recent discoveries and groundbreaking studies that ... -
Preface: a special selection on biomechanical applications in medical science - Part II
Open AccessThis special selection on Biomechanical Applications in Medical Science presents the ongoing and active research in the Biomechanics area. The overall goal is to summarize recent discoveries and groundbreaking studies that ... -
FailRecOnt - An ontology-based framework for failure interpretation and recovery in planning and execution
Conference report
Open AccessAutonomous mobile robot manipulators have the potential to act as robot helpers at home to improve quality of life for various user populations, such as elderly or handicapped people, or to act as robot co-workers on factory ... -
Virtual human hand: wrist movements
(Springer, 2021-06-27)
Part of book or chapter of book
Open AccessHand model with 25 Degrees of Freedom (DOF) was developed and implemented considering forward and inverse kinematics. However, the model, after some experience and use need to add new DOF. The proposed model is with 29 ... -
Mobile manipulation hackathon: moving into real world applications
Open AccessThe Mobile Manipulation Hackathon was held in late 2018 during the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) to showcase the latest applications of wheeled robotic manipulators. The challenge ... -
A lightweight perception module for planning purposes
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2020)
Conference lecture
Open AccessSensing is an essential component for robots to perform the manipulation tasks in real environments. This study proposes a lightweight deep-learning-based sensing modules which allows the robots to automatically model the ... -
Flexibly configuring task and motion planning problems for mobile manipulators*
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2020)
Conference lecture
Open AccessRobotic manipulation requires the planning at a symbolic level (task planning) and at a geometric level (motion planning). This paper presents a planning framework for both levels of planning that includes an easy way to ...