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dc.contributor.authorBusquets Monge, Sergio
dc.contributor.authorAlepuz Menéndez, Salvador
dc.contributor.authorBordonau Farrerons, José
dc.contributor.otherUniversitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Enginyeria Electrònica
dc.identifier.citationBusquets-Monge, S.; Alepuz, S.; Bordonau, J. A novel bidirectional multilevel boost-buck dc-dc converter. A: Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition. "Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, 2009". San Jose: 2009, p. 707-714.
dc.descriptionThis material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In most cases, these works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder
dc.description.abstractA novel noninverting boost-buck dc-dc converter topology is presented, applicable when both sides of the converter need to have the same grounding. It is based on the back-to-back connection of two n-level diode-clamped converter legs, and allows bidirectional power flow. A simplified topology is proposed for unidirectional power flow applications. Two new pulse width modulation strategies with different advantages are proposed to operate the converter guaranteeing dc-link capacitor voltage balance in every switching cycle for all possible operating conditions and using small capacitance values. The semiconductor device losses are analytically compared to the losses in a conventional two-level boost-buck converter. The analysis yields a higher efficiency for the multilevel converter, especially as the number of levels increases. Experimental results are presented to validate the good converter performance in a five-level converter prototype.
dc.format.extent8 p.
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Spain
dc.subjectÀrees temàtiques de la UPC::Enginyeria electrònica::Electrònica de potència
dc.subject.lcshPulse-duration modulation
dc.subject.lcshElectric current converters
dc.titleA novel bidirectional multilevel boost-buck dc-dc converter
dc.typeConference lecture
dc.subject.lemacModulació (Electrònica)
dc.subject.lemacControl electrònic
dc.subject.lemacControl predictiu
dc.contributor.groupUniversitat Politècnica de Catalunya. GREP - Grup de Recerca en Electrònica de Potència
dc.description.peerreviewedPeer Reviewed
dc.rights.accessOpen Access
dc.description.versionPostprint (published version)
local.citation.authorBusquets-Monge, S.; Alepuz, S.; Bordonau, J.
local.citation.contributorEnergy Conversion Congress and Exposition
local.citation.pubplaceSan Jose
local.citation.publicationNameEnergy Conversion Congress and Exposition, 2009

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