Ponències/Comunicacions de congressos
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Strategies for high fill factor and open-circuit voltage in low-doped c-Ge TPV cells with partially contacted surfaces using 3D simulations
Conference lecture
Open AccessDielectric passivated surfaces provide excellent surface recombination properties while point-like contacts are defined to locally extract the current. In this solution, the distance between contacts, or pitch, is critical ... -
An analysis of academic outcomes in graphic expression subjects in engineering by considering students’ admission profiles
(Springer, 2023)
Conference lecture
Restricted access - publisher's policyDecree 171/2022 that regulates compulsory post-High School in Catalonia, establishes that Technical Drawing I and II are modality courses, which means that they are not compulsory. So students can choose other modality ... -
Should teaching guides be used as indicators of gender dimension in a university degree?
(Technological University Dublin (TU Dublin), 2023)
Conference lecture
Open AccessIn order to achieve a truly equality society, universities are making significant efforts towards gender mainstreaming. One of the main pillars of this approach is the implementation of a gender dimension in teaching. To ... -
Ozone: a promising agent to functionalize cellulose
(Ca' Foscari University of Venice, 2023)
Conference lecture
Restricted access - publisher's policyOzone is a well-known chemical agent used in pulp bleaching, where its role is to remove lignin although carbohydrates are also affected. Toe objective ofthis work was to modify cellulose with ozone in order to create new ... -
Materials based on cellulose for e-commerce packaging
(Ca' Foscari University of Venice, 2023)
Conference lecture
Restricted access - publisher's policyAs a result of the pandemic and the new tax on the use of plastics in the EU, the consumption of cellulose has increased, especially for cardboard boxes as e-commerce packaging. Due to this high demand, the price of cellulose ... -
Estudio bibliométrico de los Trabajos Fin de Estudio del Departamento de Ingeniería Gráfica y de Diseño en la Escuela de Ingeniería de Barcelona Este. Conocimiento para mejorar la gestión de la dirección de TFE
(Congrés Internacional de Docència Universitària i Innovació (CIDUI), 2023)
Conference report
Open AccessBibliometric study of TFE directed by the section of the DEGD in the EEBE. The percentages of TFE of the section with respect to the total of the department and of the EEBE are highlighted. The main thematic areas in which ... -
Estudio de los sistemas fontinales de la Reserva de la Biosfera del Montseny (2016-2023)
Conference lecture
Open AccessEste artículo muestra los resultados obtenidos durante siete años de investigación del Proyecto “Fonts del Montseny”, destacando que las fuentes son un elemento del patrimonio cultural, histórico, social y natural en el ... -
Assessment of the hyperbolic paraboloids of the Church of the Holy Trinity, Caracas through architectural visualization
(Springer Nature, 2023)
Conference report
Open AccessThe technological advances of the Modern Movement in architecture introduced hyperbolic structures of great architectural simplicity and high structural complexity. The Church of the Holy Trinity in Caracas, built in 1969, ... -
Valorization of paper waste sludge to produce films for packaging
(Ca' Foscari University of Venice, 2023)
Conference lecture
Restricted access - publisher's policyThe global production of paper was more than 400 million tons in 2020, and about 40–50 kg of dry sludge/ton paper produced was generated. The management of this huge volume of solid waste material has become a serious ... -
Análisis de los resultados académico en asignaturas de Expresión Gráfica en la Ingeniería atendiendo a los perfiles de acceso de los estudiantes
(Universidad de Cádiz, 2023)
Conference report
Open AccessTal y como establece el RD 822/2021 [1], los sistemas de calidad en el ámbito universitario analizan las titulaciones universitarias a través de distintos ámbitos denominados Estándares que, a modo de ejes directivos, ... -
Proyecto “Fonts del Montseny”
(Fundación Nueva Cultura del Agua (FNCA), 2023)
Conference report
Open AccessEste trabajo muestra los resultados obtenidos durante 6 años de investigación del proyecto “Fonts del Montseny”, destacando que las fuentes son un elemento del patrimonio cultural, histórico, social y natural en el territorio ... -
Treballs Finals d’Estudi del Departament d’Enginyeria Gràfica i de Disseny a la secció EEBE
Conference report
Open AccessEs presenta una petita recerca estadística de Treballs Final d’Estudi (TFE) dirigits pels professors de la secció del Departament d’Enginyeria Gràfica i de Disseny (DEGD) a l’Escola d’Enginyeria de Barcelona Est (EEBE) en ...