Recent Submissions

  • Agent based modeling for simulating taxi services[: case study in Barcelona] 

    Salanova Grau, Josep Maria; Estrada Romeu, Miguel Ángel (Elsevier, 2015)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    Taxi services account for a significant part of the daily trips in most of cities around the world. Due to the fact that most of the taxi markets are regulated by a central authority there is the need for developing tools ...
  • Aggregated modeling of urban taxi services 

    Salanova Grau, Josep Maria; Estrada Romeu, Miguel Ángel; Amat Bertran, Carles (2014)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    Various models have been developed for calculating the variables that characterize the taxi services in urban regions and defining the principal policy measures such as fleet size, fares or available operational modes. ...
  • Efecto del procedimiento de compactación en laboratorio sobre la densidad y características mecánicas de las mezclas asfálticas 

    Miró Recasens, José Rodrigo; Pérez Jiménez, Félix Edmundo; Martínez Reguero, Adriana Haydée; Botella Nieto, Ramón (Asociación Española de Fabricantes de Mezclas Asfálticas (ASEFMA), 2015)
    Conference report
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    El procedimiento de compactación en laboratorio más utilizado en España para la fabricación de probetas de mezcla bituminosa, sobre las que se realizarán los diferentes ensayos para su dosificación o caracterización mecánica, ...
  • Repercusión de la calidad de la construcción del firme en su deterioro y en los costes de conservación 

    Pérez Jiménez, Félix Edmundo; Miró Recasens, José Rodrigo (2015)
    Conference report
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    La calidad estructural de un firme flexible está asociada básicamente a su nivel de deflexión. Para conseguir esta calidad durante su construcción debemos proceder periódicamente a la medida de su deflexión. La Instrucción ...
  • The Graphical Hierarchy Process for decision making 

    Robusté Antón, Francesc (2013)
    Conference report
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    Decision making and appraisal often involve multicriteria evaluation since several variables are not easy to translate into money and in some cases they are not even quantitative. Any simple multicriteria procedure is based ...
  • On-street illegal parking: effect on vehicles travel time 

    Morillo Carbonell, Carlos; Campos Cacheda, Jose Magin (2015)
    Conference report
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    Private transport represents more than the third of all journeys carried out in large cities. The high amount of traffic in metropolitan zones implies the appearance of congestion which is one of the most important ...
  • Análisis de la implantación de una red exprés de autobuses con carril BUS-VAO: caso de la entrada a Barcelona desde el Baix Llobregat 

    Puignau Arrigain, Sara Ahetze; Campos Cacheda, Jose Magin; Lantada, Nieves (2014)
    Conference report
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    Los autobuses exprés están siendo una solución acertada en distintas ciudades europeas para cubrir la movilidad ocupacional interurbana. En el caso de Cataluña, han sido en la actualidad tema de controversia la necesidad ...
  • On-street illegal parking costs in urban areas 

    Morillo Carbonell, Carlos; Campos Cacheda, Jose Magin (2014)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    Private transport represents more than a third of all the journeys carried out in large cities urban areas. The high amount of traffic in metropolitan zones implies the appearance of congestion that is one of the most ...
  • Infraestructures per a una mobilitat segura i sostenible 

    Saurí Marchán, Sergi (Col·legi d'Enginyers Industrials de Catalunya (EIC), 2015)
    Conference report
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    En la ponència s'analitza les diverses mesures en les infraestructures per tal de reduir el nivell d'accidentabilitat.
  • Scanners at the land access of a container terminal: optimal location and quantity 

    Morales Fusco, Pau; Saurí Marchán, Sergi (2014)
    Conference report
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    The MegaPorts initiative (to scan over 80% of containers bound to the USA) was launched in 2003 with the purpose to counter possible terrorist attacks to the USA. However, the measure potentially affects the competitiveness ...
  • Choice decision between manned and automated horizontal Handling equipment at container terminals 

    Saurí Marchán, Sergi; Martin Alcalde, Enrique; Morales Fusco, Pau (2014)
    Conference report
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    The choice of horizontal handling transport in automated container terminals is not fully consistent in comparison with the automation of stacking cranes at the storage yard. Often the decision of automated system that ...
  • Comparing manned and automated horizontal handling equipment at container terminals: a productivity and economical analysis 

    Saurí Marchán, Sergi; Morales Fusco, Pau; Martin Alcalde, Enrique; Benítez, Pere (2014)
    Conference report
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    The choice of horizontal handling transport in automated container terminals is not fully consistent in comparison with the automation of stacking cranes at the storage yard. Often the decision of automated system that ...

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