Recent Submissions

  • Enquesta sobre la situació del col·lectiu del professorat associat a la Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya 

    Cornadó Bardón, Còssima; Haurie Ibarra, Laia; Mir Teixidor, Enrique; Morros Rubió, Josep Ramon; Mujica Delgado, Luis Eduardo; Olmedo Torre, Noelia; Peña Carrera, Marta; Sala Cladellas, Glòria (2021-03-15)
    Research report
    Open Access
    La utilització de la figura del professorat associat per part de les universitats públiques a Catalunya en molts casos està lluny de l’esperit d’aquesta figura en la legislació (especialista de reconeguda competència i amb ...
  • Persistence of periodic traveling waves and Abelian integrals 

    Gasull Embid, Armengol; Geyer, Anna; Mañosa Fernández, Víctor (2021-03-10)
    Research report
    Open Access
    It is well known that the existence of traveling wave solutions (TWS) for many partial differential equations (PDE) is a consequence of the fact that an associated planar ordinary differential equation (ODE) has certain ...
  • Pointwise periodic maps with quantized first integrals 

    Gasull, Armengol; Cima, Anna; Mañosa Fernández, Víctor; Mañosas, Francesc (2020-10-24)
    Research report
    Open Access
    In a series of papers, Chang, Cheng and Wang studied the periodic behavior of some piecewise linear maps in the plane. These examples are valuable under the light of the classical result of Montgomery about periodic ...
  • Modelització de la temperatura en un mina subterrània 

    Rossell Garriga, Josep Maria; Bascompta Massanes, Marc; Sanmiquel Pera, Lluís (2019-11-20)
    Research report
    Restricted access - confidentiality agreement
  • El batec invisible. La bellesa i l’ànima de les matemàtiques 

    Mañosa Fernández, Víctor (2020-01-15)
    Research report
    Open Access
    Ens aproximem a l’experiència estètica matemàtica des d’un punt de vista proper al de la psicologia analítica. Analitzem el mite segons el qual l’univers és un ens harmònic que pot ser descrit mitjançant les matemàtiques, ...
  • The invisible heartbeat. The beauty and soul of mathematics 

    Mañosa Fernández, Víctor (2020-01-15)
    Research report
    Open Access
    We will look at mathematical aesthetic experience from a point of view close to the one of analytical psychology. We will analyse the myth that the universe is a harmonic entity that can be described through mathematics, ...
  • A dynamic Parrondo's paradox for continuous seasonal systems 

    Cima Mollet, Anna; Gasull Embid, Armengol; Mañosa Fernández, Víctor (2019-11-27)
    Research report
    Open Access
    We show that planar continuous alternating systems, which can be used to model systems with seasonality, can exhibit a type of Parrondo's dynamic paradox, in which the stability of an equilibrium, common to all seasons is ...
  • Phase portraits of random planar homogeneous vector fields 

    Cima Mollet, Anna; Gasull Embid, Armengol; Mañosa Fernández, Víctor (2019-11-26)
    Research report
    Open Access
    We study the phase portraits with positive probability of random planar homogeneous vector fields of degree n. In particular, for n=1,2,3, we give a complete solution of the problem and, moreover, either we give the exact ...
  • Stability index of linear random dynamical system 

    Cima Mollet, Anna; Gasull Embid, Armengol; Mañosa Fernández, Víctor (2019-04-11)
    Research report
    Open Access
    Given a homogeneous linear discrete or continuous dynamical system, its stability index is given by the dimension of the stable manifold of the zero solution. In particular, for the n dimensional case, the zero solution ...
  • Minor loops of the Dahl and LuGre models 

    Ikhouane, Fayçal; Mañosa Fernández, Víctor; Pujol Vázquez, Gisela (2018-12-01)
    Research report
    Open Access
    Hysteresis is a special type of behavior encountered in physical systems: in a hysteretic system, when the input is periodic and varies slowly, the steady-state part of the output-versus-input graph becomes a loop called ...
  • Periodic orbits of discrete and continuous dynamical systems via Poincaré-Miranda theorem 

    Gasull Embid, Armengol; Mañosa Fernández, Víctor (2018-09-17)
    Research report
    Open Access
    We present a systematic methodology to determine and locate analytically isolated periodic points of discrete and continuous dynamical systems with algebraic nature. We apply this method to a wide range of examples, including ...
  • A route to chaos in the Boros-Moll map 

    Gardini, Laura; Mañosa Fernández, Víctor; Sushko, Iryna (2018-04-18)
    Research report
    Open Access
    The Boros-Moll map appears as a subsystem of a Landen transformation associated to certain rational integrals and its dynamics is related to the convergence of them. In the paper, we study the dynamics of a one-parameter ...

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