Enhancing mathematical research in high school
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Document typeConference lecture
Defense date2012
Rights accessOpen Access
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We present a didactic experience in the context of enhance mathematics research in high school. The
encounter of three different profiles (a skilled student, a mathematics school teacher and a
researcher in mathematics) is the starting point of this activity. We explain the context in which this
activity was developed and the main exploited actions by the tutors in order to create a stimulating
context for the student. We present some evidences of the success of the experience as well as the
results and conclusions of this experience. As a collateral finding, a new method of work between
secondary school teacher and mathematic researcher has emerged.
CitationMorera, L.; Rue, J.; Alet, F. Enhancing mathematical research in high school. A: International Congress on Mathematical Education. "ICME 2012- The Proceedings of the 12th International Congress on Mathematical Education". Springer, 2012, ISBN 978-3-319-12688-3.