Are LLMs ready for visualization?
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Document typeConference lecture
Defense date2024
PublisherInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Rights accessOpen Access
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Generative models have received a lot of attention in many areas of academia and the industry. Their capabilities span many areas, from the invention of images given a prompt to the generation of concrete code to solve a certain programming issue. These two paradigmatic cases fall within two distinct categories of requirements, ranging from "creativity" to "precision", as characterized by Bing Chat, which employs ChatGPT-4 as its backbone. Visualization practitioners and researchers have wondered to what end one of such systems could accomplish our work in a more efficient way. Several works in the literature have utilized them for the creation of visualizations. And some tools such as Lida, incorporate them as part of their pipeline. Nevertheless, to the authors’ knowledge, no systematic approach for testing their capabilities has been published, which includes both extensive and in-depth evaluation. Our goal is to fill that gap with a systematic approach that analyzes three elements: whether Large Language Models are capable of correctly generating a large variety of charts, what libraries they can deal with effectively, and how far we can go to configure individual charts. To achieve this objective, we initially selected a diverse set of charts, which are commonly utilized in data visualization. We then developed a set of generic prompts that could be used to generate them, and analyzed the performance of different LLMs and libraries. The results include both the set of prompts and the data sources, as well as an analysis of the performance with different configurations.
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CitationVazquez, P. Are LLMs ready for visualization? A: IEEE Pacific Visualization Conference. "2024 IEEE 17th Pacific Visualization Conference, PacificVis 2024: Tokyo, Japan, 23-26 April 2024: proceedings". Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2024, p. 343-352. ISBN 979-8-3503-9380-4. DOI 10.1109/PacificVis60374.2024.00049 .
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