A data-driven framework for air quality sensor networks
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Tipus de documentArticle
Data publicació2024-01-11
EditorInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
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In this article, we present our research vision of a framework for obtaining quality data in air quality monitoring networks using low-cost sensors (LCSs). The use of LCS networks is gaining increasing acceptance in many IoT air quality applications. However, data quality and reliability issues are a major barrier to widespread adoption, which means that the pre-processing tasks that are critical to achieving the required levels of data quality are crucial aspects of LCS network designs. The proposed framework takes advantage of a layered architecture, which has also proven useful in other fields, and from which we show the challenges and state-of-the-art techniques for obtaining quality data. In addition, we show its usefulness in application cases, including a real case with data measured by a LCS deployment measuring O 3 in the area of Barcelona, Spain.
CitacióFerrer-Cid, P. [et al.]. A data-driven framework for air quality sensor networks. "IEEE internet of things magazine", 11 Gener 2024, vol. 7, núm. 1, p. 128-134.
Versió de l'editorhttps://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10396841
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