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Ermites romàniques del Montseny, un element imprescindible del paisatge
Open AccessAl darrer terç del segle XIX a Catalunya es va iniciar l’excursionisme científic. Avui dia aquesta aproximació al coneixement i cultura basada en la recerca sobre el terreny d’aspectes concrets de realitat ha desenvolupat ... -
Elements químics a l’aigua de les de fonts del Montseny
Open AccessWe present a sampling of water from 223 springs in Montseny, grouped into three geographical areas. The aim is to describe the chemical composition of water from these springs using the main laboratory techniques. The ... -
Earliest amyloid and tau deposition modulate the influence of limbic networks during closed-loop hippocampal downregulation
Open AccessResearch into hippocampal self-regulation abilities may help determine the clinical significance of hippocampal hyperactivity throughout the pathophysiological continuum of Alzheimer’s disease. In this study, we aimed to ... -
Analysis of sustainability presence in Spanish higher education
Open AccessPurpose: This paper analyzes the presence of sustainability in sixteen Spanish Higher Education curricula in the fields of Education and Engineering. Design/Methodology/Approach: The methodology employs two instruments: ... -
Bacterial cellulose matrices to develop enzymatically active paper
Open AccessThis work studies the suitability of bacterial cellulose (BC) matrices to prepare enzymatically active nanocomposites, in a framework of more environmentally friendly methodologies. After BC production and purification, ... -
Impact properties and water uptake behavior of old newspaper recycled fibers-reinforced polypropylene composites
(Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2020-02-28)
Open AccessNatural fiber-reinforced thermoplastic composites can be an alternative to mineral fiber-based composites, especially when economic and environment concerns are included under the material selection criteria. In recent ... -
Topography of the interfacial shear strength and the mean intrinsic tensile strength of hemp fibers as a reinforcement of polypropylene
(Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2020-02-20)
Open AccessThe strength of the interphase between the reinforcements and the matrix has a major role in the mechanical properties of natural ¿ber reinforced polyole¿n composites. The creation of strong interphases is hindered by the ... -
Viladrau, paradís del Montseny, terra de fonts, llegenda i història.
Open AccessL’article proposa una excursió per aquest bonic paratge septentrional de la reserva de la biosfera del Montseny, on hi ha identificades dos centenars de fonts. Una caminada per gaudir d’una naturalesa esplendorosa, d’aigua ... -
Romànic montsenyenc al territori Sevedano
Open AccessEls actuals termes municipals de Seva, el Brull i Tona a l’edat mitjana reberen el nom de territori Sevedano. El topònim feia referència al lloc selvàtic que era, amb formacions vegetals mediterrànies a les parts bassals, ... -
Grasp: design and preliminary testing of an open-source, 3D printable bionic hand
Open AccessWe present the design and performance evaluation of a 3D printable bionic hand developed to be manufactured, assembled and programmed in the simplest way by the user. This prosthetic device can be controlled by surface ... -
Comparativa hidromineralògica d'aigües de fonts de tres zones geogràfiques del Montseny
Open AccessThe study analyses the mineralogical properties of the water from seventy-five springs in east Montseny using potentiometry, conductometry, acid-base titration, Möhr’s circle, turbidimetry, UV spectrophotometry, complexometry ... -
Diseño centrado en el usuario: espacios no asistenciales polivalentes en hospitales
Open AccessLa exigencia diaria en los hospitales obliga a adaptar las estructuras organizativas y protocolos, con base en necesidades y recursos cambiantes, para desarrollar adecuadamente las actividades que allí se desarrollan. Como ...