Recent Submissions

  • Numerical simulation of gas migration rules and comparison between U shape and U+L shape ventilation system 

    Zhang, Haoran; Sanmiquel Pera, Lluís; Zhao, Yaojiang; Vintró Sánchez, Carla; Bascompta Massanes, Marc (2015)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    This paper offers an overview of numerical simulation with the aim of improving the knowledge and reference of coal mine gas distribution rule, and providing a case study of the optimization of ventilation system and ...
  • Friction factors determination and comparison in potash mines 

    Bascompta Massanes, Marc; Sanmiquel Pera, Lluís; Anticoi Sudzuki, Hernán Francisco (2015)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    Friction factor is a crucial parameter for assessing and modelling the ventilation system in underground mining. However, the development of a mine along its life can complicate the airflow supply required to the working ...
  • Gestión de la subsidencia minera en la cuenca minera potásica de Cataluña 

    Sanmiquel Pera, Lluís; Bascompta Massanes, Marc; Vintró Sánchez, Carla (2015)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    Covenantee:   ICL Iberia
  • Modeling hydrodynamics and biochemical reactions in a Flat Plate Bioreactor 

    Prades Martell, Lledó; Guimerà Villalba, Xavier; Climent, J.; Chiva, S.; Dorado Castaño, Antonio David; Gamisans Noguera, Javier (2015)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    Modeling the complex interactions between biochemical reactions and hydrodynamics is the key to optimize biofiltration systems performance. In this work, biological kinetics expressions were implemented into Computational ...
  • Modelling biotrickling filters to minimize elemental sulfur accumulation during biogas desulfurization under aerobic conditions 

    López de León, Luís Rafael; Dorado Castaño, Antonio David; Mora Garrido, Mabel; Prades Martell, Lledó; Gamisans Noguera, Javier; Lafuente Sancho, Francisco Javier; Gabriel Buguña, David (2015)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    A mathematical dynamic model describing biological removal of high loads of H2S from biogas streams through a biotrickling filter (BTF) was developed, calibrated and validated to a range of specific experimental conditions ...
  • Effect of biomass density on oxygen diffusivity measured inside biofilms with a MEA Sensor 

    Guimerà Villalba, Xavier; Dorado Castaño, Antonio David; Bonsfills Pedrós, Anna; Gabriel Buguña, David; Gamisans Noguera, Javier (2015)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    The optimization of biofiltration technologies can be addressed improving the knowledge of the process taking place within biofilms, mainly biokinetics and mass transport. Biokinetics are usually defined using different ...
  • The geological and paleontological heritage of Manresa municipality (Catalonia, Spain) 

    Oms i Llobet, Oriol; Climent Costa, Ferran; Parcerisa Duocastella, David; Mata Perelló, Josep Maria; Poch, Joan (2012)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    A preliminary inventory of 14 points of geological interest has been carried out in the Manresa municipality (Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain). All the rocks within this area belong to the sedimentary infill of the Ebro basin ...
  • Optimization of the tantalum ore production by control the milling process 

    Alfonso Abella, María Pura; Oliva Moncunill, Josep; Álvarez Rodríguez, Beatriz; Jorge Sánchez, Juan; Sanmiquel Pera, Lluís; Parcerisa Duocastella, David; Tomasa Guix, Oriol; Calvo Torralba, Daniel; Guasch Cascallo, Eduard; Felipe Blanch, José Juan de; Anticoi Sudzuki, Hernán Francisco; García-Vallès, Maite (2015)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    Tantalum is a strategic metal with multiple applications in the new technologies. Tantalum deposits are scarce in EU. Thus, more efficient extracting processes are necessary to contribute to major European independency on ...
  • Underground environment management system 

    Bascompta Massanes, Marc; Sanmiquel Pera, Lluís; Oliva Moncunill, Josep (2015)
    Conference report
    Restricted access - publisher's policy
    Efficiency and safety issues are highly related to the management of the ventilation system in underground mining. This paper presents the design of a geographical information system –also known as GIS– able to store, ...
  • Students' viewpoint on engineering subjects taugh in English 

    Heras Cisa, F. Xavier de las; Lao Luque, Concepción; Fortuny Santos, Jordi; Alsina Aubach, Montserrat (2014)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    The European Educational Institutions have the challenge and the commitment to enhance multilingual competence and teaching curricular subjects in a foreign language is seen as one of the most promising alternatives. In ...
  • EXPLORA: una acció per apropar la ciència i la tecnologia al professorat de Secundària 

    Grau Vilalta, Maria Dolors; Font Soldevila, Josep; Torras Melenchón, Núria (2014)
    Conference report
    Open Access
    L'Exploratori dels Recursos de la Natura és un projecte que ofereix activitats amb un eix vertebrador comú: l'aprofitament dels recursos de la natura. Entre les activitats que organitza, cal destacar els cursos EXPLORA, ...
  • Improving communication skills: students' viewpoint on a content & language integrated learning project 

    Alsina Aubach, Montserrat; Fortuny Santos, Jordi; Lao Luque, Concepción; Heras Cisa, F. Xavier de las (2014)
    Conference lecture
    Open Access
    The development of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) scheme in Spanish universities implies a greater participation of the students in their own process of learning and competence-based teaching. Competences are ...

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