Someday: making an animated short film
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Tutor / directorTorelló Oliver, Josep
Document typeBachelor thesis
Rights accessOpen Access
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Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International
This work consists of the creation of a 2D animated short film, Someday, with the help of
3D elements, including all the previous process for its production. This short will be
based on the real world with an aesthetic that mixes anime and cartoon styles and will
be published on social media.
The project will focus mostly on the process that is carried out to produce an animated
short film; An idea that begins a creative process where a story and aesthetic will be
chosen based on artistic and narrative references, with the help of 3D elements to
determine the perspective of buildings and lighting. It will also be based on the creation
of characters and backgrounds, as well as giving some importance to lighting,
perspective and music. At the end, the final work will be shown; a 2D animated short film
made from digital illustrations and frame by frame animation.
In order to achieve a good result, an animation study will be made, especially about
animated short films, from large companies such as Disney, Pixar or Studio Ghibli and
companies and/or people who have shared their creations online, and achieved a big
audience out of them. There will also be a study made about character design and the
importance of storytelling in characters.
The creative process will be carried out with different programs dedicated to digital art
depending on the tools that are needed. For illustration and design the software used
will be Clip Studio Paint, a drawing software geared towards comic drawing and
illustration. For the animation, Clip Studio Paint will be used for 2D drawing and Maya for
the creation of spaces and 3D assets that will be used as reference and guide.
This project is intended for people who love storytelling, animation and cinema. The
following pages will show not only the process of creating a final animation, but also
how dreams from everyday life can be used to create a relatable and exciting story.
SubjectsThree-dimensional imaging, Animation (Cinematography), Imatgeria tridimensional, Animació (Cinematografia)
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