A Generalized sequential AC/DC power flow algorithm for VSC MTDC system with series interline DC current flow controller
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Document typeArticle
Defense date2022-08-01
Rights accessOpen Access
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In this paper, a generalized average model for various topologies of series interline power flow controller is developed and incorporated in AC/DC VSC MTDC power flow model. A new Newton Raphson based power flow formulation of AC/DC VSC MTDC system with series interline power flow controller in proposed. The proposed formulation accommodates the inclusion of capacitor voltage limits of Current Flow Controller (CFC), DC line current and duty cycle limits. Steady State feasibility of wind power evacuation is analyzed for different wind power penetration levels and CFC injected voltages. The impact of CFC injected voltages on rerouting and nullifying the power flows in MTDC grid are analyzed for different wind power penetration levels. Initialization of state variables for feasible steady state solution has been addressed. In order to ensure feasible solution a novel convergence criteria is proposed. The validity of the proposed AC/DC power flow formulation is demonstrated on 39 bus AC/DC system.
CitationAnbuselvi, S. [et al.]. A Generalized sequential AC/DC power flow algorithm for VSC MTDC system with series interline DC current flow controller. "Electric power systems research", 1 Agost 2022, vol. 209, núm. 107972.