Recent Submissions

  • DPRL: Task offloading strategy based on differential privacy and reinforcement learning in edge computing 

    Zhang, Peiying; Gan, Peng; Chang, Lunjie; Wen, Wu; Selvi, M.; Kibalya, Godfrey Mirondo (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2022-05-16)
    Open Access
    Mobile edge computing has been widely used in various IoT devices due to its excellent computing power and good interaction speed. Task offloading is the core of mobile edge computing. However, most of the existing task ...
  • A reinforcement learning approach for Virtual Network Function Chaining and sharing in softwarized networks 

    Kibalya, Godfrey Mirondo; Serrat Fernández, Juan; Gorricho Moreno, Juan Luis; Zhang, Peiying (2022-05-17)
    Open Access
    Cognizant of the ease with which softwarized functions can be dynamically scaled according to real time resource requirements, and the fact that multiple services can have common VNFs in their chaining, this paper tackles ...
  • Security enhanced sentence similarity computing model based on convolutional neural network 

    Sun, Qifeng; Huang, Xingzhe; Kibalya, Godfrey Mirondo; Kumar, Neeraj; Santhosh Kumar, S. V. N.; Zhang, Peiying; Xie, Dongliang (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2021-07-21)
    Open Access
    Deep learning model shows great advantages in various fields. However, researchers pay attention to how to improve the accuracy of the model, while ignoring the security considerations. The problem of controlling the ...
  • GCMD: Genetic Correlation Multi-Domain Virtual Network Embedding algorithm 

    Zhang, Peiying; Pang, Xue; Kibalya, Godfrey Mirondo; Kumar, Neeraj; He, Shuqing; Zhao, Bin (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2021-04-30)
    Open Access
    With the increase of network scale and the complexity of network structure, the problems of traditional Internet have emerged. At the same time, the appearance of network function virtualization (NFV) and network virtualization ...
  • The NECOS approach to end-to-end cloud-network slicing as a service 

    Clayman, Stuart; Neto, Augusto; Verdi, Fábio; Correa, Sand Luz; Sampaio, Silvio; Sakelariou, Ilias; Mamatas, Lefteris; Pasquini, Rafael; Cardoso, Kleber Vieira; Rothenberg, Christian; Tusa, Francesco; Serrat Fernández, Juan (2021-03-31)
    Open Access
    Cloud-network slicing is a promising approach to serve vertical industries delivering their services over multiple administrative and technological domains. However, there are numerous open challenges to ...
  • An efficient algorithm for fast service edge selection in cloud-based telco networks 

    Baliosian De Lazzari, Javier Ernesto; Contreras, Luis Miguel; Martínez-Julia, Pedro; Serrat Fernández, Juan (2021-10)
    Open Access
    Telecommunication operators are increasingly integrating computational infrastructure into their networks at different location levels, including the network edge. This makes a highly distributed processing environment a ...
  • A multi-stage graph aided algorithm for distributed Service Function Chain provisioning across multiple domains 

    Kibalya, Godfrey Mirondo; Serrat Fernández, Juan; Gorricho Moreno, Juan Luis; Gift Bujjingo, Doreen; Serugunda, Jonathan (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2021-08-16)
    Open Access
    Network Service Providers (NSPs) envisage to support the divergent and stringent requirements of future services by instantiating these services as service chains, commonly referred to as Service Function Chains (SFCs), ...
  • Joint route selection and split level management for 5G C-RAN 

    Erazo Agredo, Cristian; Garza Fabre, Mario; Agüero Calvo, Ramón; Díez Fernández, Luis Francisco; Serrat Fernández, Juan; Rubio Loyola, Javier (2021-12)
    Open Access
    This work tackles the problem faced by network/ infrastructure providers of jointly selecting routing and functional split level to satisfy requests from virtual mobile network operators (vMNOs). We build a novel system ...
  • A multi-stage graph based algorithm for survivable Service Function Chain orchestration with backup resource sharing 

    Kibalya, Godfrey Mirondo; Serrat Fernández, Juan; Gorricho Moreno, Juan Luis; Serugunda, Jonathan; Zhang, Peiying (Elsevier, 2021-06)
    Open Access
    Network softwarisation introduces flexibility in network management by enabling the deployment of network functions as software modules running on virtual machines. However, this creates new concerns for service availability ...
  • A multi-domain VNE algorithm based on load balancing in the IoT networks 

    Zhang, Peiying; Liu, Fanglin; Jiang, Chunxiao; Benslimane, Abderrahim; Gorricho Moreno, Juan Luis; Serrat Fernández, Juan (Springer, 2021-02-06)
    Open Access
    The coordinated development of big data, Internet of Things, cloud computing and other technologies has led to an exponential growth in Internet business. However, the traditional Internet architecture gradually shows a ...
  • A deep reinforcement learning-based algorithm for reliability-aware multi-domain service deployment in smart ecosystems 

    Kibalya, Godfrey Mirondo; Serrat Fernández, Juan; Gorricho Moreno, Juan Luis; Okello, Dorothy; Zhang, Peiying (2020-10-05)
    Open Access
    The transition towards full network virtualization will see services for smart ecosystems including smart metering, healthcare and transportation among others, being deployed as Service Function Chains (SFCs) comprised of ...
  • Slicing in WiFi networks through airtime-based resource allocation 

    Richart Gutiérrez, Matías Mario; Baliosian De Lazzari, Javier Ernesto; Serrat Fernández, Juan; Gorricho Moreno, Juan Luis; Agüero Calvo, Ramón (2018-11-23)
    Open Access
    Network slicing is one of the key enabling technologies for 5G networks. It allows infrastructure owners to assign resources to service providers (tenants), which will afterwards use them to satisfy their end-user demands. ...

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