CEMAD - Caracterització elèctrica de materials i dispositius
El camp central dels treballs del grup és l'estudi i la caracterització de materials per a la seva aplicació en dispositius i/o circuits. Els materials estudiats són ceràmiques i compòsits piezoelèctrics, per a les seves aplicacions en microelectrònica i optoelectrònica. L‘atenció preferent se centra en l'anàlisi i la caracterització del comportament no lineal de materials, dispositius i circuits, i en l’estudi de la relació entre les condicions d'obtenció, el desordre estructural i les propietats de transport electrònic en polímers i materials orgànics conductors. L'estudi no lineal és necessari en les aplicacions en dispositius ultrasònics que utilitzen transductors ressonants. La caracterització no lineal de convertidors electrònics commutats DC-DC sotmesos tant a controls clàssics com moderns (diagrames de bifurcacions, dinàmiques quasiperiòdiques i caòtiques...) està orientada al disseny.
Recent Submissions
Estudio de materiales “relaxores”: influencia de los defectos en la estructura perovskita y el carácter “relaxor”
(Servei de Publicacions de la Facultad de Ingeniería Eléctrica de la Universidad de Oriente de Santiago de Cuba (Cuba)., 2015-01-01)
Open AccessEn el trabajo se estudian sistemas ferroeléctricos de circonato titanato de plomo modificado con lantano (PLZT) que presentan un marcado carácter “relaxor”. Estos sistemas presentan características en la respuesta dieléctrica ... -
Optical control of elasticity in ferroelectrics
(Elsevier, 2024-06)
Restricted access - publisher's policyControlling the elastic properties of materials is an issue that has been widely investigated because adapting available materials for incoming applications is required. Many efforts have been made in the last decade to ... -
Concomitant light-reversible magnetic response in multiferroic oxide heterostructures for multiphysics applications
Open AccessThe concept of multiphysics, where materials respond to diverse external stimuli, such as magnetic fields, electric fields, light irradiation, stress, heat, and chemical reactions, plays a fundamental role in the development ... -
Flash sintering of potassium-sodium niobate-based piezoceramics: refining (micro)structure for properties enhancement
(Elsevier, 2024-08)
Restricted access - publisher's policyLow-consumption ceramics processing routes are expected to replace conventional ones due to environmental concerns. In this context, flash sintering is garnering interest because it allows dense ceramics to be obtained in ... -
Reversible optical control of magnetism in engineered artificial multiferroics
Open AccessOptical means instead of electric fields may offer a new pathway for low-power and wireless control of magnetism, holding great potential to design next-generation memory and spintronic devices. Artificial multiferroic ... -
Insights into the early size effects of lead-free piezoelectric Ba0.85Ca0.15Zr0.1Ti0.9O3
(John Wiley & sons, 2023-11-15)
Open AccessBa0.85Ca0.15Zr0.1Ti0.9O3 (BCZT) stands out among lead-free ferroelectric oxides under consideration to replace state-of-the-art high-sensitivity piezoelectric Pb(Zr,Ti)O3, for a range of energy conversion ceramic technologies. ... -
Particle size effect on the microstructure and the aging process of flash-sintered barium titanate from micro and nanopowders
(Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC), 2023-08-08)
Open AccessFlash sintering is a novel sintering technique that allows high-density ceramics to be obtained at low temperatures and using short dwell times, thus providing an energy-efficient alternative to conventional sintering. The ... -
Fine-grained high-performance Ba0.85Ca0.15 Zr0.1Ti0.9O3 piezoceramics obtained by current-controlled flash sintering of nanopowders
(Elsevier, 2023-12)
Open AccessDue to environmental concerns, extensive research has been carried out to develop high-performance lead-free piezoceramics capable of replacing commercial lead-based materials. The lead-free (Ba0.7Ca0.3)TiO3 -Ba(Zr0.2Ti0.8)O3 ... -
Features of the structural and dielectric properties in BaTi1-xSnxO3 ferroelectric ceramics
Open AccessThe demand to produce clean energy has been increasing over the last years due to the various climate changes, which are strongly afflicting the world. Therefore, it is necessary to implement new and alternative energy ... -
In-depth analysis of smooth and nonsmooth bifurcations for an open-loop boost converter feeding constant power loads in discontinuous conduction mode
Open AccessThis paper presents a study of the existence conditions of limit cycles and mechanisms when losing their stability in an open-loop DC–DC boost converter loaded with a constant power load and operating in discontinuous ... -
Light-induced strain and its correlation with the optical absorption at charged domain walls in polycrystalline ferroelectrics
(Elsevier, 2023-06)
Open AccessPhotostrictive materials have a growing interest because of their great potential as light-driven actuators, among other optomechanical applications. In this context, the optical control of macroscopic strain in ferroelectrics ... -
Visible-light-control of dielectric permittivity in ferroelectrics with charged domain walls
(American Physical Society (APS), 2023-03-29)
Restricted access - publisher's policyOptical control of functional properties in ferroic materials is now a highly appealing topic because it may entail different paradigms for future technologies. In ferroelectrics, in particular, controlling the properties ...