Ponències/Comunicacions de congressos
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Proyectos de innovación a través de Roadmaps
(Ed. A. Marcos. E. Martínez, F. López. / Área Proyectos y Expresión Gráfica, U. Ex., 2009)
Conference report
Open AccessRoadmaps and their methodology (TRM, Technology roadmapping) is a planning tool for medium - term and long - term projects which is useful to any business or corporation. Roadmaps cover ... -
On the amount of information content in microwave radiometry for wet delay correction
(Aalto University, 2016)
Conference report
Restricted access - publisher's policyThe scope of this work is the determination of the set of optimum frequencies to be used in the companion microwave radiometers in future synthetic aperture radar altimeters, to provide higher spatial resolution of the ... -
La industria farmacéutica en España
Conference report
Restricted access - publisher's policySe muestra brevemente el entorno y funcionamiento de la industria farmacéutica española, por lo que se hará mención de diversos aspectos como una herramienta que dará una idea general de este sector en España, empezando ... -
Domestic oven heated by a concentrating solar collector
Conference lecture
Open AccessA project to power a domestic oven by solar energy was developed. The focal axis of a cylindrical parabolic reflector usually reaches temperatures of up to 250ºC. A heat transfer fluid carries this heat to the heat exchanger ... -
Water self-sufficiency with separate treatment of household rainwater and greywater
Conference report
Open AccessThis paper is based on an academic work conducted by a group of students of the Engineering Project course within the Chemical Engineering Degree at the Engineering School of Barcelona. The objective of the exercise was ... -
Innovación energética hipocarbónica para cumplir los objetivos UE 2020 y 2050
Conference lecture
Open AccessThe economic model based on the consumption of fossil fuels, mainly oil, historically has fostered a growth of civilization, but it has not taken into account the consequences for the environment, now beginning to be ... -
Proyecto 2.0: herramientas de la web social de apoyo a la elaboración de proyectos
Conference report
Open AccessWeb 2.0 or social web is understood as the group of applications and resources of Internet that facilitate the exchange of information and the collaborative work. Most of these tools are free and can be applied during the ... -
Conceptual design guide for energy and water consumptions
(The Design Society, 2013)
Conference report
Restricted access - publisher's policyThe present paper proposes to analyze the consumption of Energy or/and Water (E/W) in the conceptual design (CD) stage of a product, in order to optimize this consumption. The product normally spends more resources in the ... -
Mechatronic design for students: model based on industrial engineering techniques
(The Design Society, 2013)
Conference report
Restricted access - publisher's policyThe present paper proposes a methodology for mechatronic design projects based on industrial engineering techniques. Today, in industrial production the reduction of research and development time is one of the most important ... -
Valuation of questions in presentations of group projects
(The Design Society, 2013)
Conference report
Restricted access - publisher's policyThis paper evaluates the effectiveness of using rounds of questions posed by work groups of an Engineering Project course after their project presentations. Before, students were offered the possibility of putting questions ... -
Using a crowdsourcing knowledge base to support the Sustainability and Social Compromise skill in Computer Science Engineering studies
Conference report
Open AccessThe Skill "Sustainability and Socia Commitment" is commonly accepted as essential in today's world. However it proves tricky to introduce into the curriculum, mainly because of lack of knowledgeable teachers. To address ... -
Proyectos de desarrollo rural en zonas marginadas de Mexico usando ingenieria concurrente
Conference report
Open AccessLa Ingeniería concurrente (CE) ha atraído más atención en los últimos años debido a que su aplicación reduce el tiempo de diseño de productos desde su concepción hasta su manufactura masiva, mejorando la calidad y el ...