CRAHI - Centre de Recerca Aplicada en Hidrometeorologia
El principal objectiu del CRAHI és desenvolupar metodologies i sistemes per donar resposta científica i tècnica a les necessitats en el camp de la previsió hidrometeorològica, la gestió dels recursos i els riscos hídrometeorològics, incloent l’impacte dels efectes del canvi climàtic. Per això es combinen les observacions i el processat de dades de teledetecció amb la modelització dels processos i el disseny d'aplicacions informàtiques operacionals de previsió i alerta en temps real pel suport a la presa de decisions i la gestió de recursos i emergències.
El CRAHI orienta su actividad a dar respuesta científica y tecnológica a las necesidades en el campo de la gestión y la previsión hidrometeorológica. En particular al desarrollo de algoritmos y modelos de previsión de los procesos que controlan el ciclo del agua superficial.
The CRAHI focuses its activity on providing scientific and technological support in the area of hydrometeorological management and forecasting, particularly on developing models of the processes that drive the cycle of surface waters.
The CRAHI focuses its activity on providing scientific and technological support in the area of hydrometeorological management and forecasting, particularly on developing models of the processes that drive the cycle of surface waters.
Collections in this community
Articles de revista [55]
Dataset [1]
Llibres [1]
Recent Submissions
Lagrangian-Hamiltonian formalism for cocontact systems
(American Institute of Mathematical Sciences, 2023)
Open AccessIn this paper we present a unified Lagrangian–Hamiltonian geometric formalism to describe time-dependent contact mechanical systems, based on the one first introduced by K. Kamimura and later formalized by R. Skinner and ... -
A user experience evaluation of a mobile application for disseminating site-specific impact-based flood warnings: the A4alerts app
(John Wiley & sons, 2023-11-10)
Open AccessPeople-centred early warning systems must ensure that their warnings are timely, actionable and get to the largest number of exposed individuals in the shortest time possible. Due to the increased access to high-bandwidth ... -
Sediment transport capacity in a gravel-bed river with a sandy tributary
Open AccessBedload transport in a river is a deeply analyzed problem, with many methodologies available in the literature. However, most of the existing methods were developed for reaches of rivers rather than for confluences and are ... -
Implementation of hydrometeorological thresholds for regional landslide warning in Catalonia (NE Spain)
(Springer, 2023-10)
Open AccessSoil moisture plays a vital role in slope stability. As water infiltrates into the soil, shear strength decreases eventually leading to failure. However, most of the existing regional-scale landslide early warning systems ... -
Monografies del Montseny – 38 (2023)
(CPL, 2023-05-22)
Open Access -
Simulation of flash floods in ungauged basins using post-event surveys and numerical modelling
(John Wiley & sons, 2015-12-01)
Restricted access - publisher's policyThe hydrological and hydraulic processes of the flash flood that affected Atrani village (Amalfi Coast of Southern Italy) on 9 September 2010 are analysed using post-flood surveys and numerical modelling. Observations in ... -
Massive incision and outcropping of bedrock in a former braided river attributed to mining and training
Restricted access - publisher's policyThis research analyses multiple anthropogenic pressures in the Bernesga River, a gravel-bed river in Northwestern Iberian Peninsula. Among the causes of river incision in Bernesga River are extensive mining during the ... -
The energy transfer from granular landslides to water bodies explained by a data-driven, physics-based numerical model
Open AccessTime trends and their statistical significance for daily minimum, Tmin, and maximum, Tmax, temperatures recorded at the Fabra Observatory (Barcelona) along 102 years (1917–2018) permit to analyse the evolution of every one ... -
Design and evaluation of a community and impact-based site-specific early warning system (SS-EWS): the SS-EWS framework
Open AccessThe recent extreme rainfall events in Spain such as the storm Gloria have highlighted the gaps in emergency communication, particularly the disconnect between the available impact-based early warning systems (IBEWSs) and ... -
Coupling between downstream variations of channel width and local pool–riffle bed topography
Open AccessA potential control of downstream channel width variations on the structure and planform of pool–riffle sequence local bed topography is a key to the dynamics of gravel bed rivers. How established pool–riffle sequences ... -
Efectes de les extraccions de material al·luvial sobre el riu i la costa. L’exemple de la Tordera
Open AccessAquest article presenta la síntesi actualitzada de la recerca que s’ha dut a terme a la Tordera des de 2005. S’hi fa un resum dels impactes més importants que ha sofert el riu, principalment de les grans extraccions de ... -
Diagnosi morfodinàmica de les rieres de Les Arenes, del Palau i de Rubí, al terme municipal de Terrassa
Research report
Open Access