GRIC - Grup de Recerca i Innovació de la Construcció
El principal objectiu del GRIC ha estat des de sempre la millora dels processos productius de les empreses del sector de la construcció i dels sistemes constructius en totes les seves vessants, tant amb la introducció de nous processos i nous materials, com amb la introducció de millores mediambientals, organitzatives, qualitatives i formatives, amb l'objectiu de potenciar els seus avantatges competitius.
Aquesta millora inclou també els aspectes organitzatius i formals necessaris per a realitzar una correcta gestió del coneixement en els projectes, les empreses i les organitzacions vinculades al món de la construcció en general, considerant tot el cicle de vida dels projectes constructius, des del disseny i l'execució, passant pel manteniment i fins al desmantellament dels edificis.
Les línies de recerca més importants del grup son:
La millora de l'eficiència energètica en les edificacions, sobretot a partir de l'aplicació de millores i tècniques de baix cost i poc invasives.
El desenvolupament de solucions tecnològiques per la gestió del patrimoni construït.
La millora del comportament mediambiental de les obres i les edificacions.
El objetivo principal del grupo de investigación es la mejora de los procesos productivos de las empresas del sector de la construcción y de sus sistemas constructivos, en todas sus vertientes, incluyendo nuevos procesos, nuevos materiales, y asimismo y especialmente las mejoras organizativas, cualitativas, medioambientales, educacionales..., necesarias. Estas mejoras deben incluir también todos los aspectos organizacionales y formales necesarios para realizar una correcta gestión del conocimiento en los proyectos, las empresas y las organizaciones vinculadas con el mundo de la construcción en general.
The Group of Construction Research and Innovation (GRIC) conducts interdisciplinary research to improve the productive processes of the construction sector companies and their constructive processes in all their areas such as organizational, qualitative, environmental, educational, communication, management, etc. The GRIC's emphasis is on developing innovate solutions to the state-of-the-art technologies throughout the project life cycle from design to construction, and from operations to maintance and decommissioning. Research is focused in the following three major domains: construction management, management of technology and human resources management.
The most important research lines for GRIC are:
- Improving the ENERGY EFFICIENCY of BUILDINGS, especially through the implementation of low cost and non-invasive techniques. This research line focuses on improving building energy performance by addressing aspects related to the operation and control of buildings and higher clusters (neighbourhoods, districts, cities, etc.). The ultimate goal is to reduce energy consumption and increase the energy efficiency of the built environment.
- MODELLING of the BUILT ENVIRONMENT, including new and existing buildings and their surroundings. This research line includes modelling of all actions needed to improve the operation, maintenance and management of buildings. Environmental consequences of higher clusters (neighbourhoods, districts, cities, etc.) are also modelled. The ultimate goal is to use a lower quantity of resources and thus to reduce the global environmental impact.
The Group of Construction Research and Innovation (GRIC) conducts interdisciplinary research to improve the productive processes of the construction sector companies and their constructive processes in all their areas such as organizational, qualitative, environmental, educational, communication, management, etc. The GRIC's emphasis is on developing innovate solutions to the state-of-the-art technologies throughout the project life cycle from design to construction, and from operations to maintance and decommissioning. Research is focused in the following three major domains: construction management, management of technology and human resources management.
The most important research lines for GRIC are:
- Improving the ENERGY EFFICIENCY of BUILDINGS, especially through the implementation of low cost and non-invasive techniques. This research line focuses on improving building energy performance by addressing aspects related to the operation and control of buildings and higher clusters (neighbourhoods, districts, cities, etc.). The ultimate goal is to reduce energy consumption and increase the energy efficiency of the built environment.
- MODELLING of the BUILT ENVIRONMENT, including new and existing buildings and their surroundings. This research line includes modelling of all actions needed to improve the operation, maintenance and management of buildings. Environmental consequences of higher clusters (neighbourhoods, districts, cities, etc.) are also modelled. The ultimate goal is to use a lower quantity of resources and thus to reduce the global environmental impact.
Collections in this community
Articles de revista [180]
Capítols de llibre [10]
Llibres [1]
Recent Submissions
Team-based questioning battles in construction and building engineering educational environments: a useful tool for engaging active learning in the classroom
(Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2024-09-02)
Open AccessThis manuscript presents a comprehensive exploration of an innovative active learning approach implemented in a Master’s Degree in Construction Engineering program. The pedagogical intervention involved a series of competitive ... -
Optimizing pervious concrete with machine learning: Predicting permeability and compressive strength using artificial neural networks
Open AccessThis study makes a significant contribution to the field of pervious concrete by using machine learning to innovatively predict both mechanical and hydraulic performance. Unlike existing methods that rely on labor-intensive ... -
A new multi-method decision framework for anchor selection and tenant mix allocation optimisation in shopping malls
Open AccessThe increasing urbanisation and fast-paced lifestyle have heightened the importance of shopping malls in retail industry, altering traditional shopping patterns by designing efficient space and optimise time of shoppers. ... -
Analyzing the implementation of predictive control systems and application of stored data in non-residential buildings
Open AccessIn non-residential buildings, building energy management systems (BEMS) and the application of data hold significant promise in reducing energy consumption. Nevertheless, BEMS have different levels of complexity, benefit, ... -
Predictive modelling of cooling consumption in nursing homes using artificial neural networks: implications for energy efficiency and thermal comfort
(Elsevier, 2024-12)
Open AccessThe growing need for cooling within the built environment, propelled by climate change and the expansion of nursing homes due to the increase in life expectancy, highlights the urgency of implementing energy-efficient ... -
BIM4CLIMATE: Project-Based Learning to enhance students engineering skills within a CampusLab
(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2024)
Conference lecture
Open AccessBIM4CLIMATE aims to implement a PBL approach in construction engineering courses within the UPC CampusLab. The developed methodology serves as a catalyst for the comprehensive digitization and management practices of all ... -
Model predictive control for managing indoor air quality levels in buildings
(Elsevier, 2024-12)
Open AccessIn recent years, stricter regulations aimed at improving indoor air quality have led to increased energy consumption in ventilation systems. This is particularly noticeable in the service sector, where high occupancy ... -
A comprehensive overview of NDT: from theoretical principles to implementation
(Elsevier, 2024-04-26)
Part of book or chapter of book
Restricted access - publisher's policyHeritage buildings require a wide range of procedures and expertise from a multidisciplinary approach and this can lead to use several instruments for the diagnosis. This chapter gives an overview of the most relevant ... -
Igualòmetre: una experiència sobre la percepció de la igualtat
Research report
Open AccessEn aquest document es presenten el resultats d’una iniciativa duta a terme a l’EPSEB per tal de copsar l’opinió de estudiantat, professorat i personal d’administració respecte el grau d’igualtat entre homes i dones percebut ... -
Achieving sustainable goals using an effective budget-allocation multicriteria mives model: case study of a Spanish water utility company
(Springer, 2024-06-11)
Open AccessWithin the global sustainability agenda, companies must align their operations with specific Sustainable Goals (SGs) and develop corresponding budgeting strategies. This paper presents a robust multicriteria decision-making ... -
Improving the thermal comfort model for students in naturally ventilated schools: Insights from a holistic study in the Mediterranean climate
(Elsevier, 2024-06)
Open AccessThe thermal comfort models defined in existing standards are usually ineffective in predicting students' mean thermal sensation. Accordingly, overheating and overcooling are frequently reported, which affect students’ ... -
Predicting flexural post-cracking strength of fiber-reinforced concrete in the Barcelona test using a neural network-aided approach
Conference report
Restricted access - publisher's policyStructural fibers represent an effective strategy for enhancing the post-cracking tensile strength (fctR) of concrete. Currently, the characterization of this property relies predominantly on experimental methods, introducing ...