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dc.contributor.authorBrouthen, Abdelaziz
dc.contributor.authorPuig Damians, Ivan
dc.contributor.authorBathurst, Richard
dc.contributor.authorHouhou, Mohamed Nab
dc.contributor.otherUniversitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Enginyeria Civil i Ambiental
dc.identifier.citationBrouthen, A. [et al.]. FE analysis of the effect of soil-reinforcement interaction and reinforcement pre-tensioning on the behaviour of back-to-back polymeric strip reinforced soil walls. A: European Geosynthetics Congress. "Eurogeo 7: conference proceedings". 2022, p. 519-534.
dc.description.abstractThis paper is focused on the performance of back-to-back reinforced soil walls using 2D numerical models developed using the geotechnical finite element method (FEM) code PLAXIS. These structures are used to support embankments for roads and railways, and for bridge abutment approaches. Two different polymeric strip reinforcement types with smooth and perforated sheathing are considered. The distance between the back of the reinforced soil zones for the two opposing walls was varied in the models, and analyses were carried out with and without reinforcement pre-tensioning during construction. The quantitative influence of problem geometry, strip type, surcharging and strip pre-tensioning on horizontal displacements, reinforcement loads and development of soil shear zones is presented. The numerical results demonstrate that a modest pre-tensioning load can assist to achieve vertical or near-vertical wall facing alignment at end of construction. Tensile loads in the reinforcement strips at end of construction were reduced by about 30% using the perforated strips due to the improved reinforcement-soil interface strength and stiffness
dc.format.extent16 p.
dc.subjectÀrees temàtiques de la UPC::Enginyeria civil::Geotècnia::Fonaments
dc.subject.lcshRetaining walls
dc.titleFE analysis of the effect of soil-reinforcement interaction and reinforcement pre-tensioning on the behaviour of back-to-back polymeric strip reinforced soil walls
dc.typeConference report
dc.subject.lemacMurs de contenció
dc.rights.accessRestricted access - publisher's policy
dc.description.versionPostprint (published version)
local.citation.authorBrouthen, A.; Damians, I.P.; Bathurst, R.J.; Houhou, M.N.
local.citation.contributorEuropean Geosynthetics Congress
local.citation.publicationNameEurogeo 7: conference proceedings

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