El grup REMM centra la seva recerca en temes dels àmbits de Mecànica del Medi Continu, Resistència de Materials i Enginyeria d’Estructures. En els darrers cinc anys la recerca s’ha centrat en dos temes: els components i estructures metàl·lics de paret prima (aplicació pràctica de la Teoria Generalitzada de Bigues, anàlisi del vinclament distorsional en perfils perforats de secció oberta, comportament i disseny de xapes de secció trapezoïdal corbades) i les lloses mixtes d’acer i formigó. El grup empra eines analítiques, numèriques i experimentals. El Grup ha assolit un alta activitat de transferència de tecnologia, col·laborant amb empreses nacionals i internacionals. En el sector de les prestatgeries metàl·liques (estructures metàl·liques de seccions de paret prima) el nostre Laboratori es de referència a nivell europeu. i col·labora amb les organitzacions normalitzadores europees i americanes.

Los objetivos del grupo son la investigación y la transferencia de tecnología en el ámbito de la mecánica de medios continuos y de las estructuras en la ingenieria, mediante la aplicación de métodos analíticos, de simulación mecánica y experimentales.

The objectives of the group are the research and technology transfer in the areas of continuum mechanics and structural engineering, by the application of analytical, numerical and experimental methods.

The objectives of the group are the research and technology transfer in the areas of continuum mechanics and structural engineering, by the application of analytical, numerical and experimental methods.

Recent Submissions

  • Concrete-filled cold-formed chord studs to improve the seismic performance of steel framing buildings 

    Navarro Granados, Jordi; Bové Tous, Oriol; Casafont Ribera, Miguel; Bonada Bo, Jordi; López Almansa, Francisco (University of Sydney, 2023)
    Conference report
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    Light gauge steel framing is increasingly used, mainly for low-rise buildings. However, for mid-rise buildings, their lateral strength is rather low; therefore, seismic effects can be highly demanding. Steel bracing has ...
  • Simplified nonlinear analysis of doubly corrugated cold-formed steel arches 

    Casafont Ribera, Miguel; Bové Tous, Oriol; Marimón Carvajal, Federico; Ferrer Ballester, Miquel; Soltanalipour, Milad (2023-09)
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    Doubly corrugated steel arches are made by pressing transverse corrugations on trapezoidal cold-formed steel sheets. Several studies show that these transverse corrugations may have a significant detrimental effect on the ...
  • The effect of the deposition strategy and heat treatment on cold spray additive manufactured 316L stainless steel 

    Vaz, Rodolpho; Luzin, Vladimir; Salvemini, Filomena; Ribamar, Giovani; Ávila Díaz, Julián Arnaldo; Albaladejo Fuentes, Vicente; Sánchez Molino, Javier; Garcia Cano, Irene (John Wiley & sons, 2024-04-16)
    Open Access
    Herein, the effect of heat treatment on the characteristics and properties of cold spray additive manufactured 316L stainless steel employing traditional and a new metal knitting strategy is investigated. 316L feedstock ...
  • Effect of stress relief and solubilization heat treatments on laser additive manufactured Inconel 625: microstructure and properties 

    Bon, Douglas; Cavalcante, Thiago; Thiesen, Anselmo; Santos, Henrique; Gutjahr, Jhonattan; Cintho, Osvaldo; Coelho Teixeira, Reginaldo; Falcão de Oliveira, Marcelo; Ribamar, Giovani; Ávila Díaz, Julián Arnaldo (Springer, 2024-01-19)
    Open Access
    This work assesses the efect of the energy input and the stress relief and solubilization heat treatment on the microstructure and mechanical properties of an Inconel 625 alloy processed by laser additive manufacturing ...
  • Numerical investigation of the cavitation effects on the wake dynamics behind a blunt trailing edge hydrofoil 

    Chen, Jian; Escaler Puigoriol, Francesc Xavier (Elsevier, 2024-03-28)
    Open Access
    The influence of cavitation on the wake behind a NACA 0009 hydrofoil with a truncated trailing edge has been numerically investigated using a homogeneous mixture model coupled with a controlled decay SST ¿-Re¿t turbulence ...
  • Performance evaluation of a novel monofilar helical antenna with tapered cross-section wire fabricated via metal additive manufacturing 

    Penchel Abrantes, Rafael; Martins, Nicholas F.; Aldaya Garde, Ivan Aritz; de Oliveira, José A.; dos Santos, Mirian P.; Jardini, Andre; Ávila Díaz, Julián Arnaldo; Rosa, Guilherme S. (2024-02)
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    This paper presents a novel formulation for a generalized helical antenna that incorporates non-uniform helix diameters, non-uniform helix spacing, and non-uniform wire cross-section, providing additional degrees of freedom ...
  • La introducción del método de Cross en España: la figura de Don Carlos Fernández Casado (1905-1988) 

    Pons Poblet, Josep Maria; Arboix Alió, Alba; Arribas-Blanco, Ruth (2024)
    Conference report
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    La resolución analítica del sistema hiperestático fue una tarea prácticamente inabordable para el calculista de estructuras hasta bien entrado el siglo XX. La publicación en mayo de 1930, por parte de Hardy Cross (1885-1959), ...
  • Ground-based laser effect on space debris maneuvering 

    Silva Formiga, Jorge Kennety; Souza dos Santos, Denilson Paulo; Bertachini de Almeida Prado, Antonio Fernando; Vilhena de Moraes, Rodolpho; Ávila Díaz, Julián Arnaldo (Springer, 2023-12-08)
    Open Access
    Space debris events are increasingly frequent where they are sufficiently dense that the use of low Earth orbit space has now reached the point under the effect of mutual collisions. As a mitigation method, the goal was ...
  • Three-dimensional finite element modeling for bending and pull-out tests of composite slabs 

    Plans Pujolràs, Albert; Grau, David; Soltanalipour, Milad; Ferrer Ballester, Miquel; Marimón Carvajal, Federico; Andreu Roselló, Antonio (Elsevier, 2023-11)
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    This article introduces a novel modeling and simulation methodology that advances the understanding of steel deck and concrete slab micromechanics for bending and pull-out composite slab tests. Three-dimensional composite ...
  • Fracture toughness and wear resistance of heat-treated H13 tool steel processed by laser powder bed fusion 

    Fonseca, Eduardo; Gabriel, André; Ávila Díaz, Julián Arnaldo; Vaz, Rodolpho; Valim, Diego; Garcia Cano, Irene; Lopes, Eder (Elsevier, 2023-11)
    Open Access
    In today's industry, complex parts made of steel are a reality thanks to the introduction of additive manufacturing, which offers technological improvements in conventional and large manufacturing industries that rely ...
  • Review of the uses of acoustic emissions in monitoring cavitation erosion and crack propagation 

    Fernández Osete, Ismael; Bermejo Plana, David; Ayneto Gubert, Javier; Escaler Puigoriol, Francesc Xavier (MDPI AG, 2024-02-24)
    Open Access
    Nowadays, hydropower plants are being used to compensate for the variable power produced by the new fluctuating renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar power, and to stabilise the grid. Consequently, hydraulic ...
  • On the evolution of austenite during tempering in high-carbon high-silicon bearing steel by high energy X-Ray diffraction 

    Ribamar, Giovani; Miyamoto, Goro; Furuhara, Tadashi; Escobar, Julian David; Ávila Díaz, Julián Arnaldo; Maawad, Emad; Schell, Norbert; Oliveira, Joao Pedro; Goldenstein, Helio (2023-10-18)
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    The evolution of retained austenite in a high-carbon high-silicon bearing steel is explored by high energy X-ray diffraction during continuous heating, giving insights on the control of austenite stability or decomposition ...

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