Fundamental mechanics : newtonian mechanics for engineering
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Document typeBook
Defense date2023-01
PublisherIniciativa Digital Politècnica. Oficina de Publicacions Acadèmiques Digitals de la UPC
Rights accessOpen Access
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Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International
This book is addressed at a first course in engineering mechanics. Newtonian mechanics is studied, a non-relativistic classical mechanics and, therefore, applied to objects that are neither extremely small nor excessively fast. The newtonian mechanics affects a good part of the world around us. It is the mechanics of the everyday world. The book includes the basic concepts of mechanics with theoretical demonstrations. You will also find issues and problems, some resolved. The text includes graphs, figures, and diagrams for facilitate understanding. Mainly the foundations of mechanics are studied, but you will also find an introduction to wave phenomena and a small foray into analytical mechanics.
ISBN9788419184658 (en línia)
9788419184641 (imprès)
9788419184641 (imprès)
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